Australasian Cinema > directors >
Zombie Brigade (Barrie Pattison, Carmelo Musca, 1988) aka The Body Counters, prod. Carmelo Musca, dp Alex McPhee, music John Charles & Todd Hunter; John Moore, Khym Lam, Adam Wong, Bob Faggetter, Maggie Wilde-West, Geoff Gibbs; shot in Toodyay, WA; not only is the lead actor Indigenous, but another Indigenous character, Charlie, provides the turning-point in the plot (cf. Howling 3); horror; WA; 90 min.
Foreshadow (Carmelo Musca, 2013) (working title) wr. Krisztian Lippert; Justin Burford, Myles Pollard, Andrea Addison, Melanie Lyons, Tawni Bryant, Kyle Morrison, Ben Purser, Nic McRobbie, James Hagan, Sam Davenport, Clara Helms, Hannah Price; supernatural thriller; Perth, WA; 90 min.
Garry Gillard | New: 10 December, 2012 | Now: 12 August, 2020