Australasian Cinema > directors >
Born 1950 Griffith NSW; entered Interim FTS late 1972
Backroads (Phillip Noyce, 1977) prod. Elizabeth Knight & Phillip Noyce, wr. John Emery, Phillip Noyce & cast, dop Russell Boyd; Gary Foley, Bill Hunter, Terry Camilleri, Zac Martin, Julie McGregor; white drifter (Hunter) and young Aborigine (Foley) careen around outback NSW; brief review of DVD release: Edwin Peters, Empire, 45, December 2004: 112; Sydney, colour, 16 mm, 61 min.; Noyce's first feature
Better to Reign in Hell (Phillip Noyce, 1969) short; [title from Milton]; Clemency Weight (associated with Albie Thoms) sex fantasises of an adolescent; made while Noyce was still at school; contains nude love scene
Blind Fury (Phillip Noyce, 1989) low-budget comedy action; Rutger Hauer; based on Japanese Zato-ichi tradition; Hauer is good guy Vietnam vet; NOT Australasian
Bone Collector, The (Phillip Noyce, 1999) Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington, Queen Latifah; NOT Australasian
Camera Class (Phillip Noyce, 1971) experimental short
Caravan Park (Phillip Noyce, 1973) short, AFTS (Australian Film and Television School), wr. Phillip Noyce, story John Emery, dp Tom Cowan, ed. Anthony Buckley, sound Barry Brown, production assistant Gillian Armstrong, 14 min.; Beryl Marshall, Les Berryman, Mathew Kay; after their car breaks down, a family moves into a caravan park while they try to raise the money needed for the necessary repairs
Castor and Pollux (Phillip Noyce, 1973) documentary: biker called Gus and hippie called Adrian [Rawlins]; made at AFTS
Clear and Present Danger (Phillip Noyce, 1994) Clint Eastwood; NOT Australian
Cowra Breakout, The (Phillip Noyce & Chris Noonan, 1985) mini-series; Alan David Lee, Dennis Miller, Max Cullen, George Shevtsov; 1104 Japanese POWs' mass breakout, August 1944
Dead Calm (Phillip Noyce, 1989) dp Dean Semler; novel Charles Williams, The Deep; Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill, Billy Zane, George Shevtsov; ending was changed, v. Boland & Bodey, Aussiewood: 122
Dirt Music (Phillip Noyce, pre-production 2004) film rights of Tim Winton's novel bought by Phillip Noyce in 2002; film to be shot in WA set in fictional seaside town of White Point; Layla Tucak, "Noyce to put Music on film", The Australian, 11 May 2002: 3
Dismissal, The (Dr George Miller, Phillip Noyce, Carl Schultz, George Ogilvie, John Power, 1983) prod. Kennedy Miller; TV docudrama; Max Phipps (Gough Whitlam), John Stanton (Malcolm Fraser), John Meillon (John Kerr), John Hargreaves (Jim Cairns)
Echoes of Paradise (Phillip Noyce, 1988) [USA/theatrical] aka Shadows of the Peacock [Australian/DVD], formerly Love on a Tourist Visa, or Promises to Keep; wr. Jan Sharp, dp Peter James, exec prod Jan Sharp, prod. Jane Scott; Wendy Hughes, John Lone, Rod Mullinar, Peta Toppano, Steven Jacobs, Gillian Jones, Claudia Karvan; "Maria's seemingly secure world collapses - her senses numbed, she escapes to exotic Thailand to examine her past and her future. Soon she meets a mysterious and handsome Balinese dancer and what begins as a friendship turns into a passionate and all-consuming love affair." (video box); 92 min.; released on DVD 2004
God Knows Why But It Works (Phillip Noyce, 1975) dp Andy Fraser; docudrama (documentary-drama) about Dr Archie Kalokerinos, who pioneered Vitamin C therapy; Henri Szeps; Sydney Film Festival 1976
Golden Cage, The (Ayten Kuyululu, 1975) prod. Ilhan Kuyululu, wr. Ayten Kuyululu and Ismet Soydan, dp Russell Boyd, ass. dir. Phillip Noyce; Michele Fawdon, Ron Haddrick, llhan Kuyululu, Sayit Memisoglu, Kate Sheil; colour; story of two Turkish men in Australia and their tragic events
Good Afternoon (Phillip Noyce, 1972) documentary of the Combined Universities' Art Festival Canberra 1971, made for the AUS Aquarius Foundation
Heatwave (Phillip Noyce, 1982) wr. Phillip Noyce, Marc Rosenberg, from original screen play by Tim Gooding, Mark Stiles, prod. Hilary Linstead, Ross Matthews for Heatwave Films, dp Vincent Monton, ed. John Scott, music Cameron Allan, design Ross Major, ed. John Scott; Judy Davis (Kate Dean), Richard Moir (Stephen West), Chris Haywood (Houseman), Bill Hunter (Duncan), John Gregg, Anna Jemison, John Meillon; "the events in the film recall the life and disappearance of a Sydney activist-journalist, Juanita Nielsen, whose life also obliquely provided the background to ... The Killing of Angel Street ..." (Geoff Gardner, in Murray 1995: 101); political thriller; Eastman colour, 35mm, 90 min.
Home (Phillip Noyce, 1969) experimental short
Homesdale (Peter Weir, 1971) B&W, 16mm, 50 min., prod. Grahame Bond, Richard Brennan, wr. Piers Davies, Peter Weir, dp Anthony Wallis, music Grahame Bond, Rory O'Donoghue, Wayne Le Clos; Grahame Bond, Barry Donnelly, Kate Fitzpatrick, Geoff Malone, Phillip Noyce, Doreen Warburton, Peter Weir; black comedy
I Happened to be a Girl (Jan Chapman, 1970) prod. Jan Chapman, dp Phil Noyce, ed. Phil Noyce
Intersection (Phillip Noyce, 1969) experimental short
Just a Little Note (Jan Chapman, 1970) prod. Jan Chapman, dp Phil Noyce, ed. Phil Noyce; documentary of moratorium march and George Shevtsov's guerrilla theatre group
Let the Balloon Go (Oliver Howes, 1976) prod. Richard Mason for Film Australia, wr. Oliver Howes, Richard Mason and Ivan Southall, from novel by Ivan Southall, dp Dean Semler, design David Copping, music George Dreyfus, ed. Max Lemon, 2AD Phillip Noyce; Robert Bettles, Jan Kingsbury, John Ewart, Ben Gabriel, Ken Goodlet, Ray Barrett, Jan Kingsbury, Nigel Lovell, Charles Metcalfe, Grant Page, Goff Vockler; children's movie about epileptic boy; Sydney, colour, 35mm, 78 min.; first feature film on which Phillip Noyce worked
Matchless (John Papadopoulos, 1974) prod. John Papadopoulos, wr. Sally Blake, dp Russell Boyd, prod. ass. Phillip Noyce; Sydney, B & W, 16mm, 55 min.; Sally Blake, Denise Otto, Alan Penney
Megan (Phillip Noyce, 1969) short, experimental; Megan
Newsfront (Phillip Noyce, 1978) wr. Phillip Noyce, orig. script Bob Ellis, prod. David Elfick, Palm Beach Pictures, dp Vincent Monton, design Lisa Coote, ed. John Scott; Bill Hunter, Wendy Hughes, Gerard Kennedy, Chris Haywood, John Ewart, Bryan Brown; first Australian film to be shown on an Australian airline; many AFI awards; Eastman colour, 35mm, 110 min.
Patriot Games (Phillip Noyce, 1992) novel Tom Clancy; Harrison Ford (Jack Ryan) NOT Australian
Quiet American, The (Phillip Noyce, 2002) dp Christopher Doyle; Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser, Do Thi Hai Yen; Toronto 2002; completed around Sept 2001 (ie. 9/11) but not released until December 2002; AAN Best Actor Michael Caine; NOT Australian
Rabbit-Proof Fence (Phillip Noyce, 2001) wr. Christine Olsen, based on book by Doris Pilkington Garimara, dp Christopher Doyle; Everlyn Sampi, Kenneth Branagh, David Gulpilil, Tianna Sainsbury, Ningali Lawford, Laura Monaghan, Deborah Mailman, Jason Clarke, Myarn Lawford, Roy Billing, Anthony Hayes (Reg), Garry McDonald, David Ngoombujarra (kangaroo hunter); Molly Kelly and Daisy Kadibil appear briefly at the end; based on true story about Aboriginal children escaping custody in the 1930s; shot in SA (partly in WA: the scenery without people), but set in WA; Best Film, Best Sound, Best Original Score AFI Awards 7 November 2002: Peter Gabriel; 94 min.
Renegades (Phillip Noyce, 1974) shot 1970-1974; "diary film" funded by Experimental Film Fund, documentary of demonstrations and the street theatre group of George Shevtsov, Noyce and Jan Chapman; made over four years while Noyce at Sydney Uni
Saint, The (Phillip Noyce, 1997) Val Kilmer; not Australian
Sun (Phillip Noyce, 1969) experimental short
Survival (Phillip Noyce, 1982) TV documentary; Mike Willesee, Diane Cilento, Jo Kennedy; 50 min.
Tapak Dewata: Path of the Gods (Phillip Noyce, 1979) aka Bali: Island of the Gods; aka Bali: Pulau Dewata
That's Show Biz (Phillip Noyce, 1973) Gretel Pinninger, Phillip Noyce; made at AFTS
Year of Wonders (Pip Karmel, FFC provisional funding 2005) novel Geraldine Brooks, prod. Phillip Noyce, Miranda Culley, Jeremy Thomas; Derbyshire village faced with plague 1665; apparently not completed
Garry Gillard | New: 28 October, 2012 | Now: 4 April, 2020