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Big Red

Big Red (Nick Robertson, tba) prod. Ashley McLeod, ACM Films, exec. prod. Michael Robertson, dist. Pivot Pictures; comedy, horror

Matthew Eales interview with Ashley McLeod:
I know our audience will be very keen to know more about Big Red, your new horror comedy written by Matt Day. What can you tell us about that film and how you became involved?
I love this film so much. It is pure joy and such a perfectly crafted script that balances the ridiculous with the plausible. The characters are so loveable and the dialogue belongs on the back of T-shirts, it is a story that I believe Australians will see themselves in and an Australian story that will travel. The film initially came to me with the director Nick Robertson. We have been looking for a vehicle to work together for awhile and when Nick pitched me the one line idea he had me at ‘hello’. Nick and Matt have been friends for some time and after our first meeting together he took the one line and crafted a world and characters that were an instant page turner. The three of us went off on a research recce of Broken Hill and the script really benefited from this time. Matt and Nick are both very experienced filmmakers and are aware of the challenges of indie filmmaking. These challenges have been acknowledged and embraced to actually enhance our story. I am so excited to bring these characters to audiences. Cinema Australia, 23 November 2021.

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