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Dripping in Chocolate

Dripping in Chocolate (Mark Joffe, 2012) telemovie; David Wenham, Louise Lombard, Richard Brancatisano; crime mystery

This is a slick, serviceable telemovie that I forgot as soon as I had seen it. I haven't been able to find any reviews, so I'll quote an IMDb user, with whom I do not disagree.

The main character of Detective Bennett O'Mara played by David Wenham was not a lot different to the private detective character of 'Murray Whelan' in the Shane Maloney tele-movies Stiff and The Brush-Off (2004-2005) ... Overall a passable, but not great 'whodunnit' tele-movie ... et tu Brute.

Garry Gillard | New: 2 March, 2013 | Now: 3 April, 2020