Australasian Cinema > films > Ellipsis


Ellipsis (David Wenham, 2017) Emily Barclay, Benedict Samuel; romance

An accidental encounter in Sydney leads to a night of whimsical discovery in this multicultural pastiche. Variety.

Wenham and his young leads find their own expressive awkwardness and intimacy amid a committed micro-budget aesthetic. In its best scenes, which are often some of the quietest, the camera feels like an equal third participant to what is unfolding. The Age.

Ellipsis' banter, almost-romantic friendship, and assemblage of offbeat altercations keep to a well-worn path, even if the film is staged and shot with energy and affection. Screen Daily.

Wenham ... demonstrates a deft hand here, keeping the wispiest of narratives afloat with a low-key portrait of budding romance that's awake to the excitement of first encounters. Hollywood Reporter.

A high-spirited and humane dramedy with a sparkling joie de vivre and an infectious passion for people and their idiosyncrasies. Luke Buckmaster, The Guardian.

Garry Gillard | New: 19 July, 2018 | Now: 26 December, 2018