Evil Angels (Fred Schepisi, 1988) aka A Cry in the Dark; wr. Robert Caswell, Fred Schepisi, book John Bryson, dp Ian Baker; Meryl Streep, Sam Neill, Bruce Myles, Neil Fitzpatrick, Charles Tingwell, Maurice Fields, Nick Tate, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Lauren Shepherd, Bethany Ann Prickett, Alison O'Connell, Aliza Dason, Peter Hosking, Matthew Barker, Dennis Miller, Brendan Higgins, Ian Swan, Robert Wallace, Sandy Gore, Kevin Miles, Jim Holt, John Howard, Frank Holden, Tim Robertson, Patsy Stephen, Ian Gilmour, Mervyn Drake, Vincent Gil, Burt Cooper, Mark Little; American star Meryl Streep plays Lindy Chamberlain in an Australian accent
Roger Ebert:
The final point of the movie, I suppose, is that when passions run high enough a court is likely to decide almost anything about anybody - especially an unlikable, unpopular member of a minority group who is charged with an unspeakable crime. When you combine that possibility with the uncertainty of circumstantial evidence and the human lust for revenge, you get a situation in which the death penalty can result in irrevocable tragedy. Lindy Chamberlain spent 3 1/2 years in prison for a murder she did not commit, but at least she did not die for it. Roger Ebert.
Almar Haflidason:
Both Meryl Streep and Sam Neill put in convincing and consistent performances in roles that appear unsympathetic, and don't offer the typical ingredients that can allow actors to showcase their caring and emotional personas. Director Fred Schepisi cleverly steers us through a story that spans over seven years, interjecting crucial moments with 'opinions' of the public and media. Almar Haflidason, BBC.
Garry Gillard | New: 28 June, 2014 | Now: 2 May, 2022