Illuminations (Paul Cox, 1976) wr. Paul Cox, prod. Tibor Markus, dp Paul Cox and Brian Gracey, design Alan Srubenrauch, eds Paul Cox, Russell Hurley; Sheila Florance, Norman Kaye, Tony Llewellyn-Jones, Gabriella Trsek; Melbourne, colour, 16 mm, 74 min.
This is an art film which I see as surrealistic in that inexplicable and dream-like events occur; and also because there are frequent insertions of what might be called free-associative images not directly related to the ostensible story (as often found in Cox films). Despite the indifferent acting (the direction of actors is not Cox's strength) I found this an enjoyable experience, and disagree with David Stratton that 'there is simply not enough material so sustain a seventy-four minute film'. (Stratton 1980: 196)
Garry Gillard | New: 18 April, 2014 | Now: 9 June, 2020