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Inanimate Objects

Inanimate Objects (Don Percy, 2009) comedy; Daniel Fletcher, Josephine Clark, Anne Phelan, Natalia Starzynski, Lesley Baker, Jim Daly; comedy; 54 min.

I knew nothing of this film before seeing it, except that it was shorter than usual. I'd never heard of the writer/director, nor anyone in it (except Annie Phelan). I loved it. I laughed out loud a lot. It's an archetypal romcom, with the emphasis on the com: the title tells you all you need to know. It stars Daniel Fletcher (6'2") and Josephine Clark (5'1").


One of the highlights of the film is undoubtedly Daniel Fletcher's hilariously pitch-perfect turn as Bill, bringing daring and empathy to his performance. “For the Bill character to be likeable, he couldn't be whingey and whiney about things,” Percy says. “That would only turn the audience against him. He had to be strong. Daniel was able to convey that – and has plenty of charisma as a person and a performer. There were a lot of laughs with Daniel – and the ridiculousness, or sometimes the sheer truth in some of the situations, was not lost on him. Daniel was very comfortable with giving his all, having done a lot of stage work, and comedy in particular. He totally ‘got' Bill, and understood his frustrations.” Matthew Taylor, quoting Don Percy, in Filmink.

... the plusses are the performances, even though they are all directed to push the comedic line. Natalia Starzynski is notable as the young sister in a tiny role, and Josephine Clark is natural, credible and sweet as Skye, while Daniel Fletcher is a likeable loser who has to endure the film's most embarrassing scenes, including a nude modelling job which ends badly. Well, depends on your point of view I guess. Andrew Urban, Urban Cinefile.


This is one of the funniest movies I have seen and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. Robert Dunlop.

A genuinely funny and thoroughly enjoyable movie! To quote a famous Australian, “Do yourself a favour and just get it”! Wil and Michelle Morgan.

I often try to show Australian films to the younger generation around me, but with little success. They get bored, and wander off. However, when I played Inanimate Objects (which I had recommended to them), they watched it all the way through, and laughed as often as I did. It's a genuinely funny film, which was both acted and directed in a first-class fashion. Steve Turner.

Disclaimer: I know and have worked with (Director) Don Percy, and (A.D.) Iain Murton is a friend of many years. That should make me biased in the film's favour, but if anything it makes me a harsher critic. I first saw this little film at an ACMI screening in Melbourne shortly after it was made, and I swear I was convulsed throughout at the magical timing of the comedy. Like any visual comedy film (try it with any Buster Keaton classic) it works best with the infectious laughter of a roomful of people. Oh, and don't look away for a moment – you'll probably miss something. But regardless, if you don't laugh out loud at ‘Inanimate Objects', you should get yourself to the nearest E.R., ‘cos you're probably dead. Tony Porter.

Garry Gillard | New: 5 March, 2013 | Now: 9 June, 2020