It Isn't Done (Ken G. Hall, 1937) prod. Ken G. Hall, Cinesound Productions, wr. Frank Harvey, Carl Dudley, story by Cecil Callaway, dp George Heath, sound Clive Cross; Cecil Callaway, Shirley Ann Richards, John Longden, Frank Harvey; comedy about social class; 90 min.
We were making a film with direct English atmosphere, interiors and exteriors, and the greatest care would be needed in its production. ... All this atmosphere had to be created in the studio and on suitable locations near Sydney. Ken G. Hall 1980, Australian Film: The Inside Story, Summit, Sydney: 94.
After an intensive national publicity campaign by the distributors, BEF, It Isn't Done was premiered in February 1937 at the Wintergarden, Brisbane, and was an instant box-office success. In England it was shortened to 77 minutes and released by MGM early in 1938. Pike & Cooper: 177.
Hall, Ken G. 1980, Australian Film: The Inside Story, Summit, Sydney; second edition: the first edition was entitled Directed by Ken G. Hall, 1977.
Pike, Andrew & Ross Cooper 1998, Australian Film 1900-1977: A Guide to Feature Film Production, revised edition, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
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