Little Death, The (Josh Lawson, 2014) aka A Funny Kind of Love; wr. Josh Lawson; production company Ticket To Ride, Jamie Hilton, Michael Petroni; Lisa McCune, Bojana Novakovic, Damon Herriman, Kate Mulvany, Kim Gyngell, Kate Box, Alan Dukes, Patrick Brammall, TJ Power, Tasneem Roc, Josh Lawson, Ben Lawson, Lachy Hulme, Erin James; comedy
Lawson is not afraid to shy away from talking about sex, but for a film that takes this as its subject The Little Death is visually coy; it's a case of all talk and no action, and though it's really well acted by its talented cast I was on the verge of losing interest when the last, and best, sequence began. ... Overall The Little Death is intriguing, provocative, a little frustrating - sounds a bit like a relationship, doesn't it? Four stars from me. David Stratton, At the Movies
Garry Gillard | New: 7 December, 2014 | Now: 22 June, 2020