Long Story Short (Josh Lawson, 2021) wr. Josh Lawson; Josh Lawson, Rafe Spall, Ronny Chieng, Dena Kaplan, Noni Hazlehurst
blurb: Teddy who wakes up the morning after his wedding to discover that every few minutes he's jumping forward to the next year of his life.
Nadine Whitney: Writer/director Josh Lawson has created a charming and kind film that keeps its pace brisk and entertaining. Audiences invest in Teddy, not only because he’s likable, but in many ways, he’s relatable. How many of us put off doing what is really important to us because the mundanities of “life” constantly get in the way? Time waits for no man, as the saying goes, and it’s certainly not waiting for Teddy. Long Story Short is a feel-good film with a simple message; carpe diem. Even if, logically, Teddy can’t seize the day in the matter of minutes he’s given each year, we know the formula well enough to expect that his journey comes with a learned lesson and a chance for him to truly seize the day — now, not later. mrmoviefilmblog.
Garry Gillard | New: 16 February, 2021 | Now: 16 February, 2021