Palm Beach (Albie Thoms, 1980) prod. Albie Thoms, wr. Albie Thoms, dp Oscar Scherl, music Terry Hannigan, design Dave Fennell, Abe Follington, ed. Albie Thoms; Albie Thoms' only feature film; notable for its use of sound; Nat Young, Ken Brown, Amanda Berry, Bryan Brown, Julie McGregor, Lyn Collingwood, John Flaus, David Elfick; Eastman colour, 35mm, 88 min.
Palm Beach is a film of casual but cunning construction. Thoms was not prepared to forsake completely his past as a film-maker interested in formally exploring the potential of the medium. Despite being an auspicious debut, Palm Beach remains the sole feature film made by Thoms. It is a terrible reminder that there are people of great ability who have never been able to pursue their craft in the Australian film industry, while dozens of mediocrities have had the chance to squander countless dollars and a multitude of opportunites. Geoff Gardner, in Murray: 65
Note that there is another film with this identical title, directed by Rachel Ward (2019). Bryan Brown is in both.
Garry Gillard | New: 6 December, 2012 | Now: 29 January, 2020