Australasian Cinema > films >

Samson and Delilah

Samson and Delilah (Warwick Thornton, 2009) wr. Warwick Thornton, dop Warwick Thornton; Rowan McNamara, Marissa Gibson; set in an isolated community in the Central Australian desert

As I recall this film from seeing it several years ago, it's documentary-like: a young man wilfully petrol-sniffs himself into disability. I found it a disgusting, degrading experience.

Warwick Thornton's film is a searing dramatisation of how he sees his world in Central Australia, and despite its bleak, agonising riffs, it carries the wings of hope. [?] Andrew Urban.

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Garry Gillard | New: 11 June, 2017 | Now: 26 September, 2023