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Sione's Wedding

Sione's Wedding (Chris Graham, 2006) wr. James Griffin, Oscar Kightley; NZ comedy

From a great distance (and lack of knowledge) I am bemused by Samoan mores – as most recently evinced in Sione’s Wedding, the film. When I was briefly in the country, I was impressed by what I took to be an austere, pure, and superior culture. Later, at a conference in Suva, I attended – because I assumed it would be authentic Samoan – a performance of what turned out to be (American-style) rap. Now, with this film, it’s about sexual opportunism, alcoholism, violence, palagi-predominance, and … rap. Only Christianity is missing from this exposition of degradation. Only just.

The story is simple enough, driven by the need of four very boyish young men to start growing up, just enough to attract someone who can see their good side, so they can attend Sione's wedding. ... Infectious humour and a cracking pace make Sione's Wedding a cheerful, earthy and unpretentious movie with a big party spirit. Andrew L. Urban, Urban Cinefile.

Garry Gillard | New: 23 October, 2012 | Now: 28 June, 2020