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Weekend with Kate

Weekend with Kate (Arch Nicholson, 1991) aka Depth of Feeling; wr. Henry Tefay, Kee Young; dp Dan Burstall; Colin Friels, Catherine McClements; romcom

The writers only got to write one more film, Pauline Chan's Little White Lies (1996). Colin Friels carries the film - which he's perfectly capable of doing. Catherine McClements is lovely to look at. Jerome Ehlers went off to work in TV. And the director died very young, only 48, of ALS (motor neurone disease) and actually before the film was released.

Philippa Burne:
Weekend with Kate
is a film for yuppies facing crises who want to laugh and feel reassured that their lifestyles are not seriously under threat. As a film it is safe and unthreatening, disappointing by not achieving its full potential. Philippa Burne, Murray: 326.

Garry Gillard | New: 14 October, 2012 | Now: 9 November, 2022