The Batman (Matt Reeves, 2022) Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, John Turturro, Andy Serkis, Colin Farrell
There have been about twenty Batman films (including serials and Batgirls) in its eighty-year history. As I've only seen half a dozen, I'll keep this brief. I was particularly impressed with the makeup, costumes, and acting, in that order: all state of the art. (It is ironic that the actor who has done as much significant motion-capture work as any other, Andy Serkis, appears in this film more or less as himself, whereas I could not make out Colin Farrell underneath all his Schminke). The production designer (I'm guessing) might have seen Blade Runner more than once – not a bad thing. The CGI, if that was what the car chase was (and I hope there weren't people in those vehicles) was overdone and unclear.
Find your own. God knows there are plenty. ... OK, I'll mention one: the piece in Slant magazine by Jake Cole: that's thoughtful.
Garry Gillard | New: 17 March, 2023 | Now: 17 March, 2023