The Matrix Resurrections

The fourth film was hoping to draw on the success of the trilogy, and is in fact expressly concerned to some extent with being a continuation and is therefore somewhat metafilmic.
In that context, 'resurrections' might not have been a good choice of title, as, pace some religious texts, you can't actually bring a real dead body back to life.

This film is boring. ... No, it really is. It's not just me.

There is a great deal of dialog, which is delivered mostly as story information, without much emotion. It is punctuated by loud noises from the various effects and choreographed fight scenes. Then there's more dialog, mostly about technical matters concerned with pseudo-concepts to do with computing.

The characters are flat. The principals are middle-aged and unattractive.

The music is all the same. Mostly low rumblings and repeated notes.

Hugo Weaving is not in it.

References and Links

Wikipedia says it was a box-office flop. Look it up yourself. I've got more important things to do.

Garry Gillard | reviews | New: 23 February, 2022 | Now: 23 February, 2022