This is one of the two movies George Clooney made for 2009; he’s made many more since then. He’s a very busy – and very bankable – boy.
In terms of its story, this appears to be a romcom, but the emotional uncertainty in its tone, and the doubt it creates about where it’s really going are perhaps more akin to an old-fashioned thriller (or like American Psycho). I’ll admit it surprised me.
The highlight: Sam Elliott (The Big Lebowski) as a senior airline pilot with the biggest handlebar moustache I can ever remember seeing in a movie.
Ryan Bingham enjoys living out of a suitcase for his job traveling around the country firing people, but finds that lifestyle threatened by the presence of a potential love interest and a new hire.
Up in the Air (Jason Reitman, 2009)
Garry Gillard | New: 14 March, 2017 | Now: 14 March, 2017