Australasian Cinema > directors >

Jane Campion

Peel (Jane Campion, 1982) short, aka Peel: An Exercise in Discipline; father orders son to pick up orange peel from roadside; dysfunctional situation

Girl's Own Story, A (Jane Campion, 1983)

Two Friends (Jane Campion, 1985) prod. Jan Chapman for the ABC, wr. Helen Garner, dp Julian Pennry; Emma Coles, Kris Bidenko, Kris McQuade, Peter Hehir; colour, 16 mm, 80 min.

Audition, The (Anna Campion, 1989) short film featuring Jane Campion and her mother Edith, who is auditioning for a role in An Angel at my Table; in the finished product, Edith plays the high school English teacher Miss Lindsay, who gives a rousing classroom recitation of Tennyson's Excalibur that enthralls Jane; NZ

Sweetie (Jane Campion, 1989) wr. Jane Campion, Gerard Lee, dp Sally Bongers; Genevieve Lemon, Karen Colston, Tom Lycos, Jon Darling, Dorothy Barry, Michael Lake, Paul Livingston

Angel at my Table, An (Jane Campion, 1990) NZ; based on autobiographies of Janet Frame: To the Island, Angel at my Table, Envoy from Mirror City; Kerry Fox; made as a three-part mini-series, but also screened as a feature; 158 min.

Piano, The (Jane Campion, 1993) prod. Jan Chapman; Holly Hunter, Anna Paquin, Sam Neill, Harvey Keitel, Kerry Walker, Genevieve Lemon, Tungia Baker

Portrait of a Lady, The (Jane Campion, 1996) not Australasian; Nicole Kidman

Portrait: Jane Campion and The Portrait of a Lady (Peter Long & Kate Ellis, 1996) documentary of the two-and-a-half month shoot for The Portrait of a Lady

Holy Smoke (Jane Campion, 1999) Kate Winslet, Harvey Keitel, Tim Robertson

Soft Fruit (Christina Andreef, 1999) prod. Helen Bowden, exec. prod. Jane Campion; Genevieve Lemon, Jeanie Drynan, Sacha Horler, Linal Haft, Russell Dykstra; AFI Nomination 1999; bunch of Florence Nightingales come home to nurse their mum

In the Cut (Jane Campion, 2003) dp Dion Beebe; not Australasian

Bright Star (Jane Campion, 2009) UK/Aust/France; John Keats biopic; Abbie Cornish, Ben Wishaw

Top of the Lake (Jane Campion, Garth Davis, 2013) Aust/NZ/UK/US TV series

Power of the Dog, The (Jane Campion, 2021) wr. Jane Campion, novel Thomas Savage; Benedict Cumberbatch, Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons

References and Links

Ciment, Michel 2023, Campion on Campion, Abrams, NY; first published 2014 in French and in English in 2022 by Cahiers du cinéma.

Kuipers, Richard 2022, 'Jane Campion: a portrait - from Sweetie to The Power of the Dog', NFSA.

Garry Gillard | New: 7 November, 2012 | Now: 26 January, 2024