Australasian Cinema > directors >

Margot Nash

Shadow Panic (Margot Nash, 1989) experimental short

We Aim to Please (Margot Nash & Robin Laurie, 1977) short; experimental

Bread and Dripping (Margot Nash, 1982) made with the assistance of the Creative Development Branch of the Australian Film Commission and the Women's Film Fund; short; 17 min.

Vacant Possession (Margot Nash, 1995) 95 min.; Pamela Rabe, John Stanton, Toni Scanlan, Linden Wilkinson, Rita Bruce, Olivia Patten as Millie, who provides the commentary on the actual relationship of white and black; John Stanton, the father, has PTSD or 'shell-shock', following WW2 air crash with loss of crew; 95 min.

Call Me Mum (Margot Nash, 2006) telemovie; Catherine McClements, Vicki Saylor, Lynette Curran; Stolen Generation family melodrama

References and Links

Holt, Reuben 2022, 'Throwing Out the Script: Margot Nash on ‘We Aim To Please',, 23 September.

Garry Gillard | New: 24 November, 2012 | Now: 11 June, 2023