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Barry Butts In

Barry Butts In (Beaumont Smith, 1918) Beaumont Smith's Productions, wr. Beaumont Smith, ass. dir. Charles Villiers; Barry Lupino, John Cosgrove, Agnes Dobson, Ernest Stebbing; 5 reels

The star was a visiting British vaudeville comedian who incorporated many of his stage routines into the film. His approach was probably a mistake, for Picture Show, 6 November 1919, commented that Lupino seemed 'quite oblivious to the fact that [his stunts] have all been done many times in pictures'. The pace of Smith's direction redeemed the show somewhat, and the highlight was a slapstick chase down a city street in Sydney, involving cars, a scooter and a hansom cab. Pike & Cooper: 89.

Garry Gillard | New: 28 November, 2012 | Now: 22 October, 2022