Lonely Hearts (Paul Cox, 1982) prod. John B. Murray for Adams Packer Film Productions, wr. John Clarke, Paul Cox, dp Yuri Sokol, music Norman Kaye, design Neil Angwin, ed. Tim Lewis; Wendy Hughes, Norman Kaye; Eastman colour, 35mm, 95 min.
An honest little film: quasi-documentary.
... turned out so well that it won Best Film at the AFI Awards ... . Backed by generally positive reviews, the film, released by GU with the tag-line 'A Funny Sort of Love Story', was a surprise success, and also sold well overseas ... . American critic Judith Crist compared it favourably to the classic Marty, and the film's substantial success on the US art circuit established Cox's reputation in that country. David Stratton: 95.
Garry Gillard | New: 16 November, 2012 | Now: 13 December, 2019