Sidecar Racers (Earl Bellamy, 1975) aka The Team, The Teem (sic on the video release); prod. Richard Irving, Universal Pictures; wr. Jon Cleary, dp Paul Onorato, music Tom Scott, ed. Robert Kimble; Ben Murphy (Jeff Rayburn), Wendy Hughes (Lynn Carson), John Clayton (Dave Ferguson), John Meillon (Ocker Harvey), John Derum (Pete McAllister), Liddy Clark, Peter Graves, Peter Gwynne, Serge Lazareff, Arna-Maria Winchester; 100 min.
This was released as The Team in the USA, but the film itself has The Teem as the title on the video. It’s better known in Australia (not that it’s well-known anywhere!) as Sidecar Racers. Nice to see a young Wendy Hughes – who had just survived being raped by Jack Thompson (NIRL) in Petersen – back on the horse. And a youngish John Clayton, who has recently died IRL (in real life).
A young American surfer visiting Australia drifts into the world of sidecar motorcycle racing. Pike & Cooper: 286.
Right in the middle of the decade appeared what one hoped would be an anachronism ... directed by an American hack ... Jon Cleary wrote the dreary screenplay ... [for] this farrago, which did lacklustre business. Stratton: 8-9.
Garry Gillard | New: 7 October, 2012 | Now: 28 June, 2020