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Third Person Plural

Third Person Plural (James Ricketson, 1978) prod. Gill Eatherley, Greg Ricketson, John Weiley, Abraxas Films, wr. James Ricketson, dp Tom Cowan, music Greg McLean, ed. Christopher Cordeaux; Bryan Brown, Margaret Cameron, George Shevtsov, Linden Wilkinson; Kodak colour reversal, 16 mm, 90 min.

There is not much subtlety, a lot of repetition and the little that happens is predictable and unilluminating. What we learn about the characters is from their conversation only - there are few situations or incidents which allow their reactions to be revealed. Robin Anderson, Murray: 355.

Ricketson (b. 1949) was in that famous first intake of Australian Film and Television School students, along with Gillian Armstrong and Phillip Noyce, and he had made a number of interesting short films and featurettes before his first feature, Third Person Plural (1978), which starred, among others, Bryan Brown. The film was never released ... Stratton: 136.

Garry Gillard | New: 8 November, 2012 | Now: 30 June, 2020