Australasian Cinema > directors > Maurice Murphy

Maurice Murphy

Born Sydney, 1939

Fatty Finn (Maurice Murphy, 1980) prod. Brian Rosen for Children's Film Corporation, wr. Bob Ellis, Chris McGill, dp John Seale, music Grahame Bond, Rory O'Donohue, design Lissa Coote; Bert Newton, Noni Hazlehurst, Gerard Kennedy; children's; based on the character of Fatty Finn, as created by cartoonist, Syd Nicholls (1896-1977); Fatty Finn is the only comic character in Australia to have inspired two films: cf. The Kid Stakes; Eastman colour, 35mm, 90 min.

Doctors and Nurses: A Story of Hopes (Maurice Murphy, 1981) dp John Seale; Rebecca Rigg, Miguel Lopez, Jeremy Larsson, Joshua Samuels, Brent Gowland, Mary Anne Davidson, Pamela Stephenson, Bert Newton, Richard Meikle, Drew Forsythe, Andrew McFarlane, Graeme Blundell, June Salter, Terry Bader, John Hargreaves; children's comedy: children are the medical staff in the hospital and adults are the patients; VHS

Exchange Lifeguards (Maurice Murphy, 1992) prod. Phillip Avalon; Christopher Atkins, Julian McMahon, Elliott Gould, Rebecca Cross, Amanda Newman-Phillips, Vanessa Steele, Christopher Pate, Lois Larimore, Richard Carter, Mark Hembrow, Brian M Logan

Wet and Wild Summer! (Maurice Murphy, 1992) "breasty romp"

15 Amore (Maurice Murphy, 1998) Lisa Hensley, Steve Bastoni; shot Hunter Valley NSW, best feature Noosa Film Festival 1999 Qld, best feature Aspen Film Festival 1998, screened 1999 Showtime PayTV channel; reviewed Evan Williams, Weekend Australian, 28-29 October 2000: Arts Review 21; brief review of DVD release: MG, Empire, 42, September 2004: 108

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