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We of the Never Never

We of the Never Never (Igor Auzins, 1982) exec. prod. Phillip Adams, prod. Greg Tepper for Adams Packer Productions, Film Corporation of Western Australia, wr. Peter Schreck from novel by (Jeannie) Mrs Aeneas Gunn, dp Gary Hansen (AFI), design Josephine Ford, ed. Cliff Hayes; Angela Punch McGregor, Arthur Dignam, Martin Vaughan, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, John Jarratt, Tony Barry, Tommy Lewis; Eastman colour, 35mm, 134 min.

Luckily, cinematographer Gary Hansen had an even temperament, and was very helpful in keeping things moving along. He was also coming up with stunningly beautiful wide-screen images, which remain the film's principal asset. ... Crucially, the climax, in which Jeannie is left alone after Aeneas has died of fever, is unmoving. She remains a remote character ... David Stratton: 178.

Garry Gillard | New: 8 January, 2013 | Now: 30 June, 2020