Australian Cinema > types > women and/in film

Women and Australasian cinema

See also: filmography | NZ women directors | bibliography| Stratton retrospective 2019

Some significant Australasian women filmmakers

Gillian Armstrong | Shirley Barrett | Sue Brooks | Jane Campion | Emma-Kate Croghan | Susan Murphy Dermody | Hilda Hayward | Kate Howarde | Christine Jeffs | Jennifer Kent | Ana Kokkinos | Ayten Kuyululu | Samantha Lang | Clara Law | Louise Lovely | Lottie Lyell | Mojgan Khadem | McDonagh sisters | Laurie McInnes | Jackie McKimmie | Kathryn Millard | Tracey Moffatt | Jocelyn Moorhouse | Margot Nash | Rachel Perkins | Gaylene Preston | Melanie Read/Rodriga | Cate Shortland | Nadia Tass | Sophia Turkiewicz | Rachel Ward

First woman to direct a feature film

Kate Howarde (co-)directed only the one film, and that in association with another, Charles Villiers, but is significant because it is said that she was the first Australasian woman to direct a feature film (@ 6500 feet, Possum Paddock would have run for well over an hour).

After [the McDonagh sisters'] last film in 1933 ... no woman was to make another major feature film in Australia until Gillian Armstrong's My Brilliant Career in 1979. Jane Mills, 2001: 181.

Dr Mills may not have been quite right. Ayten Kuyululu directed The Golden Cage, which was released in 1975; so, as David Stratton points out in his 1980 book (281), it is she who was the first woman director of a feature film since the 1930s (tho Dr Mills may want to argue that her 90 minute feature film is not a 'major' one). It was, however, shot by Russell Boyd and Phil Noyce was assistant director!

Inclusive filmography

This list mainly includes all Oz and NZ feature films directed by women; but a few more are included for other reasons, such as: they have a female name in the title, or they're written or produced by a significant woman, or they're about a significant woman, real or imaginary. Includes some shorts and docos.

Amy (Nadia Tass, 1998) prod. Nadia Tass, David Parker; wr. David Parker; dp David Parker; Rachel Griffiths, Alana de Roma, Ben Mendelsohn, Nick Barker, Kerry Armstrong, Jeremy Trigatti, William Zappa, Sullivan Stapleton, Torquil Neilson, Mary Ward, Susie Porter; drama

Angel at my Table, An (Jane Campion, 1990) NZ; based on autobiographies of Janet Frame: To the Island, Angel at my Table, Envoy from Mirror City; Kerry Fox; made as a three-part mini-series, but also screened as a feature; 158 min.

Apartments (Megan McMurchy, 1977) Australian Film and Television School; Jeune Pritchard, Sandy Edwards, Michael Snelling; short film depicting relationships of people living in an apartment block; 10 min.

At Uluru (Corinne Cantrill, 1977) experimental; 80 min.

Audacious (Samantha Lang, 1995) wr. Samantha Lang, Australian Film Television and Radio School, 26 min. short; Dee Smart, John Polson, Aden Young; Stella, a young married woman is distraught because of the lack of passion her husband, Tom, shows towards her; she tries everything, a psychologist, videos, fantasies, but when her husband finally realises the problem and responds she is taken aback

Audition, The (Anna Campion, 1989) short film featuring Jane Campion and her mother Edith, who is auditioning for a role in An Angel at my Table; in the finished product, Edith plays the high school English teacher Miss Lindsay, who gives a rousing classroom recitation of Tennyson's Excalibur that enthralls Jane; NZ

Aurelia Steiner Melbourne (Marguerite Duras, 1975) experimental; 40 min.

Aussie Rules (Barbara Chobocky, 1993) doco

Australian Dream (Jackie McKimmie, 1987) Noni Hazlehurst, Graeme Blundell, John Jarratt; comedy; 86 min. love affair comedy-drama; Hazlehurst and Jarratt met here and later married

Aya (Solrun Hoaas [female], 1991) Eri Ishida, Nicholas Eadie, Chris Haywood, Tim Robertson; the husband of a Japanese war bride expects her to become Australian; 92 min.

Babadook, The (Jennifer Kent, 2014) wr. Jennifer Kent, prod. Kristina Ceyton, Kristian Moliere, dp Radek Ladczuk, ed. Simon Njoo, prod. design Alex Holmes; Essie Davis, Noah Wiseman, Hayley McElhinney, Daniel Henshall, Barbara West, Ben Winspear; psychological thriller

Bachelor Girl (Rivka Hartman, 1987) aka Once Upon a Wedding; Kym Gyngell; Jewish comedy; 86 min.

beDevil (Tracey Moffatt, 1993) prod. Anthony Buckley; avant-garde trilogy of ghost stories, first major feature from an Aboriginal director, Tracey Moffatt; Mister Chuck, Choo, Choo, Choo; Lovin' the Spin I'm In; 90 min.

Beggars' Opera Cafe, The (Victoria Fisher, 1998) comedy; 90 min.

Beginner's Luck (Jane Oehr, 1984) segment of On the Loose

Belinda (Pamela Gibbons, 1988) aka Midnight Dancer; would-be ballerina works as showgirl in nightclub; repressed lesbianism (according to Scott Murray)

Berlin Apartment, The (Arthur Cantrill & Corinne Cantrill, 1987) experimental, 120 min.

Better Than Sex (Jonathan Teplitzky, 2000) wr. Jonathan Teplitzky; Susie Porter, David Wenham; comedy/romance; after a one-night stand a couple is faced with the terrifying possibility of what they really want; Toronto 2000, 85 min.

Beyond the Glass Ceiling, Ronin Films, VHS videocassette, 1994, 100 min., sd., col., 1/2 in; featuring three short films by Jane Campion: Peel (1982) A Girl's Own Story (1984) Passionless Moments (1984); as well as The Lead Dress (Virginia Murray) Excursion to the Bridge of Friendship (Christina Andreef, 1993) Crack in the Curtains (Jinks Dulhunty) Just Desserts (Monica Pellizzari, 1993)

Big House, The (Rachel Ward, 2001) short, wr. Rachel Ward; AFI best fiction short 2001; 24 mins, 35mm; Tony Martin, Gary Sweet, Kick Gurry, dop Toby Oliver

Big Steal, The (Nadia Tass, 1990) wr. David Parker with Max Dunn, dp David Parker; Ben Mendelsohn, Claudia Karvan, Steve Bisley, Marshall Napier, Damon Herriman, Angelo d'Angelo, Tim Robertson; romantic comedy, revenge fantasy (aka Marc Clark van Ark, or Mark van Ark)

Bingo, Bridesmaids and Braces (Gillian Armstrong, 1988) doco: three girls growing up

Black Chicks Talking (Leah Purcell) Deborah Mailman, Kathryn Hay, Rosanna Angus, Tammy Williams, Cilla Mallone. "... even if there's nothing revolutionary in it, the presents the issues through people, and with great sensitivity. The honesty is balanced with fun, but the darker edginess is what makes it compelling." Andrew Urban

Black Harvest (Bob Connolly & Robin Anderson, 1992) documentary

Blindman's Bluff (Rachel Ward) short

Blowing Hot and Cold (Marc Gracie, 1989) prod. Rosa Colosimo; comedy, thriller

Boot Cake, The (Kathryn Millard, 2008) Charlie Chaplin is a saint to earthquake survivors in a small desert town in India and they are throwing him a birthday party; doco

Bread and Roses (Gaylene Preston, 1993) NZ; drama; Genevieve Picot

Breathing Under Water (Susan Murphy Dermody, 1992) Anne Louise Lambert, Kristoffer Greaves, Maeve Dermody; review by Adrian Martin in Murray 1995: 333; art film

Brides of Christ (Ken Cameron, 1991) TV mini-series

Broken Highway (Laurie McInnes, 1993) wr. Laurie McInnes, prod. Richard Mason; Aden Young, Claudia Karvan, Bill Hunter, Dennis Miller, David Field, Norman Kaye; b/w; wide screen; review by Adrian Martin in Murray 1995: 379; Qld

Caddie (Donald Crombie, 1976) wr. Joan Long, prod. Anthony Buckley; Helen Morse, Takis Emmanuel, Jack Thompson, Jacki Weaver, Melissa Jaffer, Ron Blanchard, Drew Forsythe, Kirrili Nolan, Lynette Curran, June Salter, John Ewart, John Gaden, Jane Harders, Phillip Hinton, Mary Mackay, Lucky Grills, Robyn Nevin, Simon Hinton, Marianne Howard, Pat Everson, Carmel Cullen, Brian Nyland, Willie Fennell, Les Foxcroft, Jack Allen

Caterpillar Wish, The (Sandra Sciberras, 2006) wr. Sandra Sciberras, prod. Kate Whitbread; Victoria Thaine (Emily), Susie Porter (her mother), Robert Mammone, Wendy Hughes, Khan Chittenden; Emily is a young girl trying to uncover the secrets of the past; shot Robe, SA

Cathy's Child (Donald Crombie, 1979) prod. Pom Oliver, Errol Sullivan, Dick Wordley, C. B. Films, wr. Ken Quinnell, novel Dick Wordley, dp Gary Hansen, music William Motzing, design Ross Major, ed. Tim Wellburn; Bryan Brown, Alan Cassell, Arthur Dignam, Michele Fawdon, Willy Fennell; Cathy (who is Maltese) wants her child returned after the father (he is Greek) has taken her (the child) out of the country; review by Jan Epstein in Murray 1995: 29; Eastman colour, 35 mm, 90 min.

Celia (Ann Turner, 1989) Rebecca Smart (Celia), Nicholas Eadie, Maryanne Fahey, Victoria Longley, William Zappa; set Melbourne 1957; Celia's pet rabbit must be destroyed

Channeling Baby (Christine Parker, 1998) NZ

Charlotte Gray (Gillian Armstrong, 2001) wr. Jeremy Brock from novel by Sebastian Faulks, dp Dion Beebe; Cate Blanchett, Billy Crudup, Michael Gambon, Rupert Penry-Jones; Cate Blanchett as a British agent in occupied France

Cheaters, The (Paulette McDonagh, 1930) McDonagh Productions, wr. Paulette McDonagh, dp Jack Fletcher, art director Phyllis McDonagh; Marie Lorraine [Isobel McDonagh], Josef Bambach, Arthur Greenaway; made as a silent, with sound inserts added later, so considered one of the first sound films in that sense

Cheek to Cheek (Beth Armstrong, 2000) wr. prod. Beth Armstrong, line producer Lisa Lloyd, dp Tom Gleeson, ed. Martin Connor, pd Barnaby Hobbs, costumes Penny Mackie, composer Alyson Newman; Melissa Jaffer, Tina Bursill, Maggie Blinco, Georgina Naidu, David Hoey, Julie Herbert; fresh, humorous and uplifting story about a journey by a 73-year-old woman after the death of her husband, made in support of The International Year of Older Persons; short; 38 min.

Christmas Cake, The (Katey Grusovin) short

City Loop (Belinda Chayko, 2000) wr. Stephen Davis; drama; Toronto 2000; broadcast free to air c. 2002/3

Come by Chance (Lara Dunston, 1992) review by Raffaele Caputo in Murray 1995: 334

Cradle Song (Gilly Coote, 1977) wr. ed. Gilly Coote, Australian Film and Television School; Michele Fawdon; young woman, at home in the traditional wife/mother role, offered the opportunity to sing again, finds the decision a difficult one to make; short, 17 min.

Crazy Richard (Katrina Mathers & Dean Francis, 2003) 64 min., video; Richard Viede, Katrina Mathers & Dominic McDonald, Bonnie Smith; "Another child star who fucked up"; mockumentary, satirical comedy in look at the contemporary star-making machine

Crush (Alison MacLean, 1992) NZ; dp Dion Beebe

Dalkeith (Leigh Sheehan, 2001) "an old people's home races a greyhound and a whole new world opens up". Lynden Barber, "Let slip the dogs", The Weekend Australian, 31 March-1 April 2001, Outtakes, Arts: R23; Metro, 136: 46-47

Dallas Doll (Ann Turner, 1993) Sandra Bernhard, Victoria Longley, Frank Gallacher, Jake Blundell, Rose Byrne; havoc when American golf instructor moves in with family; ABC finance

Dating the Enemy (Megan Simpson Huberman, 1996) Guy Pearce, Claudia Karvan

Dawn! (Ken Hannam, 1979) Eastman colour, 35mm, 115 min. prod. Joy Havill for Aquataurus Film Productions, South Australian Film Corporation, wr. Joy Cavill, dp Russell Boyd, design Ross Major, ed. Max Lemon; Bunney Brooke, John Diedrich, Ron Haddrick, Gabrielle Hartley, Ivar Kants, Bronwyn Mackay-Payne, Tom Richards; biopic of Dawn Fraser

Daydream Believer (Kathy Mueller, 1992) Miranda Otto, Martin Kemp, Gia Carides, Kerry Walker, Brian Blain; review by Karl Quinn in Murray 1995: 335

de Vils' tas Mania (Di Nettlefold, 1992) aka Three Cornered Island; drama

Dead End (Iren Koster, 1998) thriller

Death in the Afternoon (Sarah Ducker, in production 2000) wr. Sarah Ducker, prod. Jan Chapman and Leisl Hillhouse, finance AFC, prod. Prospero Pictures; experimental feature film about the disintegration of the artist Brett Whiteley and the personal shipwrecking of creative spirit

Max's Dreaming (Sandra Sciberras, 2003) aka Deeper Than Blue, wr. Sandra Sciberras, prod. Kate Whitbread, dp Greg Paris; Colin Friels, Genevieve Picot, Bruce Myles, Robert Taylor, Gabriel Strangio; a young boy is rushed to hospital unconscious; when he wakes, he can't remember anything - not his name nor how he got there; moving story, full of hope and compassion, from first-time Australia writer-director Sandra Sciberras

Dirty Laundry (Suzanne Brown, 1998) 75 min.

Dogwatch (Laurie McInnes, 1999) prod. Richard Brennan; Steven Vidler, Russell Kiefel, John Brumpton, Joel Edgerton, Richard Carter, John Alansu, Yew Glynn; 100 min.

Don't Call me Girlie (Andree Wright & Stewart Young, 1985) contribution made by women to the Australian film industry; 68 min.

Dressmaker, The (Jocelyn Moorhouse, 2015) novel Rosalie Ham, prod Sue Maslin, Film Art Media, dp Don McAlpine, pd Roger Ford, ed Jill Bilcock, costume Tim Chappel; Kate Winslet, Judy Davis, Melissa George, Roy Dupuis, Liam Hemsworth, Isla Fisher, Elizabeth Debicki; 'Gothic tale of love, revenge and haute couture', 'Unforgiven with a sewing machine'; comic drama; shooting October 2014

Emma's War (Clytie Jessop, 1988) prod. Andrina Finlay, Clytie Jessop for Belinon, wr. Clytie Jessop, Peter Smalley, dp Tom Cowan, music John Williams, design Jane Norris, ed. Sonia Hoffman; Lee Remick (Anne Grange), Miranda Otto (Emma Grange), Mark Lee (John Davidson), Terence Donovan (Frank Grange), Donal Gibson (Hank), Bridey Lee (Laurel Grange), Pat Evison (Miss Arnott), Grigor Taylor (Dr Friedlander), Noelene Brown (Mrs Mortimer); girl with alcoholic mother, father serving in New Guinea during WW2; "story of a young girl's rites of passage", Rolando Caputo in Murray 1995: 248; Eastman colour, 35mm, 95 min.

Envy (Julie Money, 1999) aka Snowdrop, The New Girlfriend; wr. Jeff Truman, original screenplay Trevor Shearston, dp Graeme Wood; Linda Cropper, Anna Lise Phillips, Jeff Truman, Scott Major, Abi Tucker, Wade Osborne; thriller; 83 min.; screened Toronto 1999; business woman and mother Kate (Cropper) tracks down Rachel (Phillips), the woman responsible for her home being invaded and her son molested

Eucalyptus (Jocelyn Moorhouse, production lapsed) pre-production 2004, novel Murray Bail; Geoffrey Rush, Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman, possibly also Jack Thompson, Hugo Weaving, Roy Billing; man wants to grow every species of Australian eucalypt

Facing the Music (Bob Connolly & Robin Anderson, 2001) Robin Anderson's last film

Far Paradise, The (Paulette McDonagh, 1928) MCD Productions, wr. Paulette McDonagh, dp Jack Fletcher, prod. manager & art dir. Phyllis McDonagh; Marie Lorraine [Isobel McDonagh], Gaston Mervale, Arthur McLaglen; romance; 7000 ft

Feeling Sexy (Davida Allen, 1999) Susie Porter (Vicki Myers), Tamblyn Lord

Felicity (John D. Lamond, 1979) prod. John D. Lamond, Russell Hurley, Krystal Motion Pictures; wr. Felicity Robinson; dp Garry Wapshott; ed. Russell Hurley; Glory Annen, Joni Flynn, Jody Hansen, Chris Milne, Marilyn Rodgers; softcore porn; Eastman colour, 35mm, 90 min.

Film for Discussion (Sydney Women's Film Group, 1974) documentary, 24 min.

Finding Joy (Billie Dean, 2002) wr. Billie Dean, prod. Andrew Einspurch; Billie Dean, Janet Watson Kruse, Andrew Einspruch; comedy (with music); set against the backdrop of the folk music scene in an arty country town, the film celebrates universal themes of friendship, low self-esteem, love relationships, and the joy of dogs; premiere 27 September 2002, Brisbane, Ausfest 2002; general release 9 October 2003; screened digitally on DV: "looks to be the first widely released, digitally screened film in Australia" (

First Contact (Robin Anderson & Bob Connolly, 1982); PNG doco

First Year (Barbara Chobocky, 1980) prod. Barbara Chobocky; Tresillian child development series, A.F.I. Distribution; "The baby in arms" shows three families with babies at three, seven and eleven months, highlights the father's role and shows the importance of his relationship to the baby in the first year; 18 min.

Fistful of Flies (Monica Pellizzari, 1996) Dino Panozzo, John Lucantonio, Tasma Walton, Maria Vanuti, Anna Volska, Rachael Maza

Flesh on Glass (Ann Turner, 1981)

Floating Life (Clara Law, 1996) Annette Shun Wah, Annie Yip, Anthony Brandon Wong; comedy

For Love or Money (Megan McMurchy, Margot Nash, Margot Oliver, Jeni Thornley, 1983)

Fourteen's Good, 18's Better (Gillian Armstrong, 1981) documentary

Fran (Glenda Hambly, 1985) prod. David Rapsey for Barron Films, exec. prod. Paul D. Barron, Bush Christmas Productions, wr. Glenda Hambly, dp Jan Kenny; Noni Hazlehurst loses her children as wards of the state due to her failure as a mother; funded partly by the WA Film Council and shot in Perth; Eastman colour, 16 mm, 94 min.

Gap, The (Christina Andreef, 1994) wr. Christina Andreef, prod. Helen Bowden, Australian Film Institute [distributor], John Howard; 18 min. From dawn one morning 'til dawn the next a man in deep despair, tries to end his life by jumping off the Gap, a cliff at the mouth of Sydney Harbour. Cops are sent to talk him down. The man outdoes them in his dignity and his courage

Georgia (Ben Lewin, 1989) aka Difficult Woman; Judy Davis, John Bach, Julia Blake; photographer; investigation of murder; see Jonathan Rayner 2000: 51-53; Paul Kalina in Murray 1995: 276; mystery thriller; 90 min.

Gino (Jackie McKimmie, 1994) Nick Bufalo (Gino Pallazetti), Zoe Carides (Lucia Petri), Bruno Lawrence (Joe Pallazetti), Rose Clemente (Rosa Pallazetti), Nico Lathouris (Rocco Petri); "Gino Pallazetti's life is simple; he's in love with Lucia [Zoe Carides], and his career as a stand-up comedian is about to take off" (Murray 1995: 407)

Girl (Peter Thompson, 1993) comedy

Girl Asleep (Rosemary Myers, 2015) wr. Matthew Whittet from his play, prod. Jo Dyer, Windmill Theatre; Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Imogen Archer, Harrison Feldman, Eamon Farren, Matthew Whittet, Amber McMahon, Danielle Catanzariti, Fiona Dqwson, Grace Dawson, CirKidz; premiere Adelaide FF

Girl From the Family of Man, The (Michael Thornhill, 1970) wr. Frank Moorhouse, dp Russell Boyd; short; 28 min.

Girl from the Outback, The (Aust Life Biograph Co, 1911) drama

Girl of the Bush, A (Franklyn Barrett, 1921) Barrett's Australian Productions - the first of three for this company;Vera James, Jack Martin, Herbert Linden; the second of the only two films directed by Franklyn Barrett that still exist, thanks to the NFSA; 6000ft

Girl Who Met Simone de Beauvoir in Paris, 1980, short, dir. Richard Wherrett, wr. Frank Moorhouse, prod. Richard Brennan, dp Geoff Burton, camera op Gill Leahy, ed. Stewart Young; Tony Llewellyn-Jones, Judy Morris, Anna Volska, John Clayton, Peter Carroll, John Sherrin, Nancye Hayes, Katrina Foster, Brandon Burke; 23 min.

Girl's Own Story, A (Jane Campion, 1984) short, 27 min.

Goddess Of 1967, The (Clara Law, 2000) dp Dion Beebe; Rose Byrne, Rikiya Jurokawa, Nicholas Hope, Elise McCredie; the story of a Japanese man who comes to Australia to buy his dream car was filmed in Sydney, Lightning Ridge and Tokyo; screened Toronto 2000

Golden Cage, The (Ayten Kuyululu, 1975) prod. Ilhan Kuyululu, wr. Ayten Kuyululu and Ismet Soydan, dp Russell Boyd, ass. dir. Phillip Noyce; Michele Fawdon, Ron Haddrick, llhan Kuyululu, Sayit Memisoglu, Kate Sheil; colour; story of two Turkish men in Australia and their tragic events

retel (Gillian Armstrong, 1973) short, AFTRS

Gulpilil: One Red Blood (Darlene Johnson, 2002)

Hammers over the Anvil (Ann Turner, 1993) wr. Peter Hepworth, Ann Turner, novel Alan Marshall, dp James Bartle, prod. Ben Gannon; Charlotte Rampling, Russell Crowe; point of view is that of a crippled boy (based on novel by Alan Marshall, who had polio)

Handful of Dust, A (Ayten Kuyululu, 1973) "middle-aged woman's involvement in a blood vendetta" (Pike & Cooper 1998: 291); 40 min.

Hard Knocks (Don McLennan, 1980) aka Sam; prod. Hilton Bonner, Don McLennan for Andromeda Productions, wr. Hilton Bonner, Don McLennan, dp Peter Friedrich, ed. Peter Friedrich; Tracy Mann, Bill Hunter, Kirsty Grant, Tony Barry, Max Cullen, Bill Hunter; Melbourne girl tries not to go back to prison; Eastman colour, 35mm from 16mm, 90 min.

Head On (Ana Kokkinos, 1998) wr. Andrew Bovell, Ana Kokkinos, Mira Robertson from Christos Tsiolkas's novel Loaded, prod. Jane Scott; Alex Dimitriades, Paul Capsis; review by Mark Sinker, Sight and Sound, November 1999: 46; 104 min.

Heatwave (Phillip Noyce, 1982) wr. Phillip Noyce, Marc Rosenberg, from original screen play by Tim Gooding, Mark Stiles, prod. Hilary Linstead, Ross Matthews for Heatwave Films, dp Vincent Monton, ed. John Scott, music Cameron Allan, design Ross Major, ed. John Scott; Judy Davis (Kate Dean), Richard Moir (Stephen West), Chris Haywood (Houseman), Bill Hunter (Duncan), John Gregg, Anna Jemison, John Meillon; "the events in the film recall the life and disappearance of a Sydney activist-journalist, Juanita Nielsen, whose life also obliquely provided the background to ... The Killing of Angel Street ..." (Geoff Gardner, in Murray 1995: 101); political thriller; Eastman colour, 35mm, 90 min.

Helen's War (Anna Broinowski, 2004) documentary, convinced that the War on Terror is escalating the global nuclear arms race, firebrand anti-nuclear campaigner Dr Helen Caldicott embarks on an explosive, funny, fearless crusade through post-911 USA, tracked by her niece Anna Broinowski, in this documentary which screens on SBS on Thursday 1 July 2004 and at the Valhalla Cinema in Glebe until the end of June 2004

High Tide (Gillian Armstrong, 1987) prod. Sandra Levy, wr. Laura Jones; Lillie (Judy Davis) rediscovers abandoned child Ally (Claudia Karvan), who has been brought up by her paternal grandmother, Bet, Jan Adele; Frankie J. Holden is an Elvis impersonator, Colin Friels the love interest; family melodrama; 100 min.

Hildegarde (Di Drew, 1999) aka Hildegarde: A Duck Down Under; Richard E. Grant, Tom Long, Tara Morice; Hildegarde is a duck; children's; Qld

History of Australian Cinema 1896 to 1940 (Alan Anderson, Joan Long, Keith Gow, 1964, 1971, 1979) prod. Anthony Buckley; 1896-1920 The pictures that moved; 1920-1930 The passionate industry; 1930-1940 Now you're talking

Holy Smoke (Jane Campion, 1999) Kate Winslet, Harvey Keitel, Tim Robertson, 115 min.

Hotel Sorrento (Richard Franklin, 1995) wr. Richard Franklin, Peter Fitzpatrick, play Hannie Rayson, dp Geoff Burton; Joan Plowright, Caroline Goodall, Tara Morice, Caroline Gillmer, Ray Barrett, John Hargreaves, Nicholas Bell, Ben Thomas; AFI Best Screenplay, Supporting Actor (Barrett)

House Opening (Judith MacDougall, 1980)

I Happened to be a Girl (Jan Chapman, 1970) prod. Jan Chapman, dp Phil Noyce, ed. Phil Noyce

I'll Make You Happy (Athina Tsoulis, 1998) NZ

idole, L' (Samantha Lang, 2003) (France; not Australasian); Leelee Sobiesky, James Hong; opens 26 June 2003 Melbourne, 3 July 2003 Sydney; brief review IF July 2003: 67

Illustrated Auschwitz (Jackie Farkas, 1992)

In a Savage Land (Bill Bennett, 1999) wr. & prod. Bill Bennett, Jennifer Bennett; Maya Stange, Martin Harrison, Rufus Sewell, John Howard, Max Cullen; won two AFI awards 1999 (Sound, and Music), nommed for five others (incl. Best Actress)

In Search of Anna (Esben Storm, 1979) wr. prod. Esben Storm, dp Michael Edols, music John Martyn, design Alan Stivell, ed. Dusan Werner; Richard Moir, Judy Morris, Bill Hunter, Alex Taifer, Ian Nimmo, Gary Waddell, Chris Haywood, Gerda Nicholson, Martin Sharp; ex-prisoner in search of girlfriend; Eastman colour, 35mm, 91 min.

In the Cut (Jane Campion, 2003) dp Dion Beebe; Meg Ryan; NOT Australasian

In this Life's Body (Corinne Cantrill, 1984)

Inner Demon (Ursula Dabrowsky, 2014) wr. Ursula Dabrowsky, prod. Sue Brown, dp Nima Nabili Rad; Kerry Anne Reid, Andreas Sobik, Sarah Jeavons; horror

Iris (Brad McGann, 1984) aka Out of Time; telemovie; drama; Helen Morse, Philip Holder, John Bach; NZ

Isabelle Eberhardt (Ian Pringle, 1992) Mathilda May, Tcheky Karyo, Peter O'Toole, Richard Moir, Arthur Dignam

Island of Lies (Gillian Coote, 1990) documentary

Ivor Paints (Arthur Cantrill & Corinne Cantrill, 1995) experimental

James (Lynda Heys, 1998) comedy

Jammed, The (Dee McLachlan, 2007) Emma Lung, Veronica Sywak, Saskia Burmeister

Japanese Story (Sue Brooks, 2003) wr. Alison Tilson, prod. Sue Maslin, ed. Jill Bilcock; Gecko Films; Toni Collette as Sandy Edwards, Gotaro Tsunashima as Tachibana Hiromitsu; set and shot in Perth and the Pilbara; screened at Cannes in the section of the Festival called Un Certain Regard; won Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography AFIs 2003; well-connected Japanese executive comes to Western Australian to inspect iron-ore mining and is driven in the bush by a geologist (Collette)

Jedda (Charles Chauvel, 1955) wr. Charles Chauvel, Elsa Chauvel; Ngarla Kunoth (Rosalie Kunoth-Monks), Robert Tudawali, Betty Suttor, Paul Reynall; young Aboriginal woman raised by white family and torn between two cultures; 101 min., colour

Jenny Kissed Me (Brian Trenchard-Smith, 1986) prod. Tom Broadbridge; Deborra-Lee Furness, Ivar Kants, Tamsin West, Paula Duncan, Steven Grives; Carol (Deborra-Lee Furness) and de facto Lindsay (Ivar Kants) live with ten-year-old daughter Jenny; family melodrama; 98 min.

Jessica (mini-series, Peter Andrikidis, 2004) wr. Peter Yeldham, novel Bryce Courtenay, prod. Tony Buckley, exec. prod. Bob Campbell & Des Monaghan, music Paul Grabowsky; Leeanna Walsman, Sam Neill, Lisa Harrow, Tony Martin, John Howard, Heather Mitchell, Kerry Walker, Peter Sumner, John Gregg, Huw Higginson, Megan Dorman

Jewelled Nights (Louise Lovely, Wilton Welch, 1925) wr. Louise Lovely, Wilton Welch from novel by Marie Bjelke Petersen; prod. Louise Lovely, Wilton Welch; Louise Lovely, Gordon Collingridge, Godfrey Cass; osmiridium mining in Tasmania

Jinx Sister (Athina Tsoulis, 2008) drama; NZ

Joan of Arc Of Loos, The (George Willoughby, 1916) dp Franklyn Barrett; Jane King, Jean Robertson, Clive Farnham; shot Tamarama Beach, Sydney; war story

Journey among Women (Tom Cowan, 1977) prod. John Weilley, wr. Tom Cowan, John Weiley, Dorothy Hewett and cast, dp Tom Cowan, music Roy Ritchie, ed. John Scott; Nell Campbell, Diane Fuller, Jude Kuring, Rose Lilly, Lisa Peers, Jeune Pritchard; Sydney, colour, 35mm, 93 min.

Joys of the Women (Franco di Chiera, 1993) WA; about the choir founded in Fremantle by Kavisha Mazzella, Le Gioie delle Donne

Jucy (Louise Alston, 2010) Orson Welles, Ryan Johnston, Andrew Ryan; chick flick comedy

Just a Little Note (Jan Chapman, 1970) prod. Jan Chapman, dp Phil Noyce, ed. Phil Noyce; moratorium march and George Shevtsov's guerrilla theatre group

Just Desserts (Monica Pellizzari, 1993) short; relationship between girl's sexual maturation and food items

Just Me and My Little Girlie (Linda Blagg, 1976) short;deals with father-daughter incest

Just Out Of Reach (Linda Blagg, 1979) aka Portrait of a Diarist; prod. Ross Mathews, Portrait Films, wr. Linda Blagg, dp Russell Boyd, ed. Ted Otton; Lou Brown Jackie Dalton, Judi Farr, Ian Gilmour, Lorna Lesley, Sam Neill, Martin Vaughan; deals with attempted suicide after a failed marriage; Eastman colour, 16 mm, 62 min.

Just Peggy (J. A. Lipman, 1918)

Kabbarli (Andrew G. Taylor, 2002) wr. Andrew G. Taylor; docu-drama about Daisy Bates

Killing Priscilla (Lizzie Gardiner, 1999) Stephan Elliott's career after Priscilla; 55 min.

Kissed (Lynne Stopekwich, 1997)

Kissing Paris (Anna Kannava, 2008)

Kitchen Sink (Alison MacLean, 1989) NZ; Kiwi Gothic

Ladies Rooms (Sarah Gibson, Pat Fiske, Susan Lambert, Jan MacKay, 1977)

Landslides (Susan Lambert, Sarah Gibson, 1986) documentary, experimental

Last Days of Chez Nous, The (Gillian Armstrong, 1992) wr. Helen Garner; Lisa Harrow, Bruno Ganz, Kerry Fox, Miranda Otto, Kiri Paramore, Bill Hunter, Lex Marinos; 93 min.

Learning the Ropes (Barbara Chobocky, 1993)

Leonora (Derek Strahan, 1985) wr. music Derek Strahan; Leonora is the wife of a car salesman; soft porn sexploitation; VHS

Letters to Ali (Clara Law & Eddie Fong, 2004) documentary; premiere Melbourne June 2004; Toronto Sept 2004; Venice Sept 2004; brief review: Richard Luck, Empire, 43, October 2004: 24; brief review of DVD release: Annie Sebel, Empire, 45, December 2004: 96

Life in Movement (Sophie Hyde, Bryan Mason, 2011) doco about Sydney Dance Co, Tanja Liedtke

Light Years (Kathryn Millard) Australian photographer Olive Cotton; early 1990s?

Like a Dream (Clara Law, 2009) relationship between American man and Chinese woman; co-produced with US; to be shot in New York and Shanghai; NOT Australasian

Lilian's Story (Jerzy Domaradzki, 1996) prod. Marian Macgowan, novel Kate Grenville 1984, based on Bea Miles; Ruth Cracknell, Barry Otto, Toni Collette; we see Lilian's father having sex with her; review by Peter Malone in Cinema Papers, no. 110, June 1996; (cf. NZ film The Heart of the Stag, where there is less or no trauma; cf. also another film with Cracknell, The Singer and the Dancer); Collette won Best Supporting Actress AFIs 1996

Little Women (Gillian Armstrong, 1994) Winona Ryder, Susan Sarandon, Claire Danes, Kirsten Dunst, Eric Stoltz, Gabriel Byrne, Christian Bale; NOT Australasian

Loaded (Anna Campion, 1994) NZ; aka Bloody Weekend; wr. Anna Campion; Oliver Milburn, Dearbhia Molloy, Danny Cunningham, Catherine McCormack, Thandie Newton; teens making a horror film; 108 min.

Looking for Alibrandi (Kate Woods, 2000) Pia Miranda, Anthony LaPaglia, Greta Scacchi, Kick Gurry, Matt Newton; Pia Miranda is looking for father Anthony LaPaglia, 103 min.

Looking for Grace (Sue Brooks, 2015) aka Driving Back from Dubbo; wr. Sue Brooks, prod. Lizzette Atkins, Sue Taylor, Alison Tilson; Richard Roxburgh, Radha Mitchell, Odessa Young, Kenya Pearson, Terry Norris, Julia Blake, Tasma Walton; family melodrama

Love and Other Catastrophes (Emma-Kate Croghan, 1996) wr. Yael Bergman, Emma-Kate Croghan, Helen Bandis; prod. Stavros Andonis Efthymiou; Frances O'Connor, Alice Garner, Radha Mitchell, Matt Day, Kim Gyngell; two female students struggling to complete their (Sydney) university degrees seek a flatmate; at the same time Michael (Matt Day), a medical student, is looking for a new place to stay; Adrian Martin makes an appearance as himself

Love Serenade (Shirley Barrett, 1996) wr. Shirley Barrett, dp Mandy Walker; Miranda Otto, Rebecca Frith, George Shevtsov, John Alansu (Albert Lee); two sisters compete for the attentions of DJ new to small town, Sunray; the younger works in the Chinese restaurant; 101 min.

Luigi's Ladies (Judy Morris, 1989) aka The Lunch Club; Wendy Hughes, Anne Tenney, Sandy Gore, David Rappaport, John Walton, Ray Meagher, Serge Lazareff, Joseph Spano, Max Cullen, Brian Adams, Simon Angell, Alex Angell, Prue Bassett, Johnny Hallyday, Genevieve Lemon

Maidens (Jeni Thornley, 1978)

Malcolm (Nadia Tass, 1986) prod. Nadia Tass, David Parker for Cascade Films, wr. David Parker, dp David Parker, music Paul Coppens, ed. Ken Sallows; Colin Friels (Malcolm), John Hargreaves (Frank) (AFI Best Supporting Actor), Lindy Davies (Judith), Chris Haywood (Willy), Charles Tingwell (Tramways Supervisor), Heather Mitchell, Beverley Phillips; Eastman colour, 35mm, 85 min.

Manganinnie (John Honey, 1980) prod. Gilda Baracchi for Tasmanian Film Corporation, wr. Ken Kelso, dp Gary Hansen, design Neil Angwin, ed. Mike Woolveridge; Mawuyal Yanthalawuy, Anna Ralph, Phillip Hinton, Buruminy Dhamarrandji, Jonathon Elliott, Reg Evans; first feature film from the Tasmanian Film Corporation; the 'Black Drive of the 1830s; cf. the doco The Last Tasmanian (Tom Haydon, 1978) Eastman colour, 35mm, 90 min.

Maori Maid 's Love, A (Raymond Longford, 1916) Aust/NZ; Lottie Lyell, Raymond Longford, Kenneth Carlisle

Maria (Barbara Chobocky, 1991) documentary

Martyrdom Of Nurse Cavell, The (John Gavin, C. Post Mason, 1916)

Mary Bryant (Peter Andrikidis) mini-series; historical

That Very Troublesome Woman: The Dramatic Search for Mary MacKillop (John Mabey, 1996) 62 min.

Mary (Kay Pavlou, 1994) ('The Inspiring Life of Mary MacKillop') Lucy Bell, Brendan Higgins, Vanessa Downing, Brian Harrison, Brian McDermott, Dean Nottle, Linden Wilkinson, James Hagan

Martha's New Coat (Rachel Ward, 2003) short, wr. Elizabeth Mars, prod. Bryan Brown; Matilda Brown (daughter of Rachel Ward and Bryan Brown); released in SBS season of 50 Minute Shorts

Mauri (Merata Mita, 1988) NZ; Merata Mita is first Maori woman to direct a feature film

Me Myself I (Pip Karmel, 1999) (Philippa Karmel) Rachel Griffiths; comedy; opened Perth 20 April 2000; clever plot, brilliantly played out; 'feel-good' movie; fast-lane journalist Pamela Drury (wonderfully played by Rachel Griffiths) is taken back in her life and is given the 'what if' test to the max; she experiences the life she would have had, had she made a different choice in her past

Megan (Phillip Noyce, 1969) short, experimental

Memories and Dreams (L. Maree Milburn, 1993) woman from Prague

Molly and Mobarak (Tom Zubrycki, 2003) documentary; Mobarak is a refugee, and Molly and her mother befriend him

Monkey Grip (Ken Cameron, 1982) novel Helen Garner; Noni Hazlehurst, Colin Friels, Alice Garner

Monkey's Mask (Samantha Lang, 2000) Kelly McGillis (Dr Diana Maitland), Susie Porter (Jill Fitzpatrick), Abbie Cornish (Mickey), Marton Csokas (Nick), Deborah Mailman; novel Dorothy Porter; lesbian private detective dives head first into murder, manipulation and the consuming power of sex; Toronto 2000; 93 min.

More Things Change ... , The (Robyn Nevin, 1986) Judy Morris, Barry Otto, Victoria Longley, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Peter Carroll

Mr Pumpkin's Big Night Out (Priscilla Cameron, Michelle Warner, 1998)

Mr Reliable (Nadia Tass, 1996) aka My Entire Life; wr. Don Catchlove, Terry Hayes; comedy; Colin Friels, Jacqueline McKenzie, Susie Porter, Paul Sonkkila, Frank Gallacher; Wally Mellish gets away with it because he can't read and write

Mr Wrong (Gaylene Preston, 1985) NZ

Mrs Soffel (Gillian Armstrong, 1984) Diane Keaton, Mel Gibson

Muriel's Wedding (P. J. Hogan, 1994) Toni Collette, Bill Hunter, Rachel Griffiths, Sophie Lee; 100 min.

My Brilliant Career (Gillian Armstrong, 1979) wr. Eleanor Witcombe, novel Miles Franklin, dp Don McAlpine; Judy Davis, Wendy Hughes, Sam Neill; 100 min.; six AFIs 1979

My Cunt (Deb Strutto, Liz Baulch, 1996)

My Life without Steve (Gillian Leahy, 1986)

My Survival as an Aborigine (Essie Coffey, 1979) documentary; 49 min.

Ngati (Barry Barclay, 1987) NZ; wr. Tama Poata; first feature wr. prod. by Maori

Nice Coloured Girls (Tracey Moffatt, 1987) wr. prod. Tracey Moffatt; Women's Film Fund, Australian Film Commission, LINK LEVEL 2 FS 791.4372 N58801; 17 min.

Nickel Queen (John McCallum, 1971) Perth; colour, 35 mm, 89 min. prod. Joy Cavill, John McCallum, wr. Joy Cavill, Henry C. James, John McCallum, story Anneke & Henry James, dp John Williams, design Bernard Hides, music Sven Libaek, ed. Don Saunders; Ed Devereaux, Peter Gwynne, John Laws, Tom Oliver, Alfred Sandor, Ross Thompson, Doreen Warburton, Googie Withers; WA

Night Cries: A Rural Tragedy (Tracey Moffatt, 1989) Marcia Langton; v. Scott Murray, article in Cinema Papers, 79, May 1990: 18-22

Nightingale, The (Jennifer Kent, 2018) wr. Jennifer Kent, prod. Kristina Ceyton, Bruna Papandrea, Steve Hutensky; Aislng Franciosi, Sam Claflin, Baykali Ganambarr, Damon Herriman, Harry Greenwood; drama set Tasmania 1829

Not Fourteen Again (Gillian Armstrong, 1996) documentary

Now Add Honey (Wayne Hope, 2015) wr. Robyn Butler, prod. Robyn Butler, Wayne Hope, Louisa Kors, Gristmill, Screen Australia funding, Roadshow distribution; Robyn Butler, Angus Sampson, Ben Lawson, Lucy Durack; Melbourne

Nurse Cavell (W. J. Lincoln, 1916) aka Edith Cavell

Offering, The (Taggart Siegel, Francesca Fisher, 1996) aka Shadow of the Pepper; Mexico/NZ/USA

On Guard (Sarah Gibson & Susan Lambert, 1983) prod. Digby (Janice) Duncan for RedHeart Pictures, wrs Sarah Gibson, Susan Lambert, dp Laurie McInnes, ed. Catherine Murphy, sound Pat Fiske, Sue Kerr; Liddy Clark, Jan Cornall, Kerry Dwyer, Mystery Carnage; colour, 16 mm, 52 min.

On the Loose (Jane Oehr, 1985 ) prod. Lyn Norfor for Health Media Productions, wr. Ken Cameron, Jane Oehr, Tim Gooding, Mark Shles, Tom McPartland, dp Tom Cowan; Steve Bergan, Jim Filipovski, Tamsin Hardman John Hamblin, Carole Skinner, Ray Meagher; colour, 35 mm, 83 min.

One Hundred A Day (Gillian Armstrong, 1973) short

One Night the Moon (Rachel Perkins, 2001) wr. Rachel Perkins; tragic music-drama adapted from true story about a blacktracker called in to find a missing girl, starring Perth's own Kelton Pell; Paul Kelly, Kaarin Fairfax and their daughter Memphis Kelly are cast as the screen family; music by Mairead Hannan, Paul Kelly, Kev Carmody (premiere, Sydney Opera House June 2001- released shortly afterwards)

Only the Brave (Ana Kokkinos, 1994) short

Oscar and Lucinda (Gillian Armstrong, 1997) prod. Robin Dalton, wr. Peter Carey (novel), Laura Jones; Ralph Fiennes, Cate Blanchett, Ciaran Hinds, Tom Wilkinson, Richard Roxburgh; 132 min.

Out (Samantha Lang, 1995) prod. Samantha Lang; short

Oyster Farmer, The (Anna Reeves, 2004) Kerry Armstrong, Jack Thompson, David Field, David Kelly, Alex O'Lochlan; romantic comedy set in Australian-style frontier country with eighth-generation oyster farmers: Vietnam Vets with shotguns; Toronto FF September 2004

Palisade (Laurie McInnes, 1988) short, wr. Laurie McInnes

Parklands (Kathryn Millard, 1996) Cate Blanchett's first film; set in Adelaide; 60 min.

Passage (Arthur Cantrill & Corinne Cantrillm 1983) experimental, 65 min.

Peel (Jane Campion, 1982) short, aka Peel: An Exercise in Discipline; father orders son to pick up orange peel from roadside; dysfunctional situation

Perfect Strangers (Gaylene Preston, 2003) NZ; Sam Neill, Rachael Blake; prod. Huntaway Films (Sam Neill, John Clarke, Jay Cassells)

Piano, The (Jane Campion, 1983) prod. Jan Chapman; Holly Hunter, Anna Paquin, Sam Neill, Harvey Keitel, Kerry Walker, Genevieve Lemon, Tungia Baker

Portrait: Jane Campion and The Portrait of a Lady (Peter Long & Kate Ellis, 1996) documentary of the two-and-a-half month shoot for The Portrait of a Lady

Portrait of a Lady, The (Jane Campion, 1997) wr. Laura Jones, dp Stuart Dryburgh; Nicole Kidman, John Malkovich, Barbara Hershey, Mary-Louise Parker, Martin Donovan, Shelly Winters, Richard E. Grant, Shelly Duvall, Christian Bale, Viggo Mortensen, Valentina Cervi, John Gielgud

Possum Paddock (Charles Villiers, Kate Howarde, 1921) prod. Kate Howarde, from the play by Kate Howarde, dp Lacey Percival; John Cosgrove, James Martin, Leslie Adrien, Jack Kirby

Promised Woman, The (Tom Cowan, 1976) prod. Richard Bennan, Tom Cowan for BC Productions, wr. Tom Cowan from Throw Away Your Harmonica, play by Theo Patrikareas, dp Tom Cowan, design Gillian Armstrong, composer Vassili Daramaras, ed. David Stiven; Gillian Armstrong, Takis Emmanuel, Kate Fitzpatrick Nikos Gerissimou, Yelena Zigon; Sydney; colour, 35 mm, 84 min.

Proof (Jocelyn Moorhouse, 1991) Hugo Weaving, Genevieve Picot, Russell Crowe, Heather Mitchell; 86 min.

Pursuit of Happiness, The (Martha Ansara, 1988) Anna Gare, Laura Black; set and shot in Fremantle WA

Rabbit on the Moon (Monica Pellizzari, 1987)

Radiance (Rachel Perkins, 1999) Deborah Mailman (Nona), Rachael Maza (Cressy), Trisha Morton-Thomas (Mae); story of reunion between three Aboriginal sisters

Rain (Christine Jeffs, 2003) (NZ); Sarah Peirse (Kate), Marton Csokas (Cady), Alicia Fulford-Wierzbicki (Janey), Alistair Browning (Ed), Aaron Murphy (Jim); Metro, 136: 78-80; 82-85; 'Endurance' is 'holding on ... it's holding on, and now it's my turn.''So then we just went on.'

Red Matildas (Sharon Connolly & Trevor Graham, 1985) documentary

Relative Strangers (Rosemary Hesp, 1998) wr. prod. Rosemary Hesp, AFTRS, nominated for a craft award AFI 1998; quasi doco, through voice-over, about guy who was brought up by his grandmother, with his 18 years older mother as his 'sister'; Simon Cooper's story; 12 min.

Return to Eden (Karen Arthur, Rod Hardy, Arch Nicholson & Kevin Dobson (series 1) 1983 (series 2) 1986), mini-series, prod. Jim & Hal McElroy; Rebecca Gilling, James Reyne, Phillip Avalon

Right Hand Man, The (Di Drew, 1987) UAA presents a Yarraman Film Production, c 1986 UAA (Australasia) Limited; budget $5.5 million; location: Bathurst, NSW; dist. GUO; opened 21 November 1987; "One of the handful of Australian films made under 10BA for the Perth-based [WA] production company UAA (as distinct from its tax-funded investment in overseas productions) ..." (Murray 1995); Hugo Weaving

Rikky and Pete (Nadia Tass, 1988) dp David Parker

Road to Nhill (Sue Brooks, 1997) wr. Alison Tilson; prod. Sue Maslin, dp Nicolette Freeman, Gecko Films/Ronin Films; Tony Barry, Vikki Blanche, Paul Chubb, Lynette Curran, Matthew Dyktynski, Bill Hunter, Patricia Kennedy, Alwyn Kurts, Monica Maughan, Terry Norris, Lois Ramsey, Denise Roberts, Kerry Walker, Bill Young

Romantic Story Of Margaret Catchpole, The (Raymond Longford, 1911) Lottie Lyell

Roof Needs Mowing, The (Gillian Armstrong, 1974) short, 10 min.

Ruby and Rata (Gaylene Preston, 1990) NZ

Saltwater Man (Mitch Torres, 2001?)

Second Journey (to Uluru), The (Arthur Cantrill & Corinne Cantrill, 1981) experimental

Secret Bridesmaids Business (Lynn-Maree Danzey, 2002) telemovie

Seeing Red (Virginia Rouse, 1992) prod. Tony Llewellyn-Jones, Virginia Rouse & William Marshall, wr. Roger Pulvers, music Andrew Yencken, dp Ian Jones; Zoe Carides,Anne Louise Lambert, Peta Toppano, Tony Llewellyn-Jones, George Spartels, Henri Szeps, John Mulcock, 98 min.; A writer and his son are pursued from Sydney to Canberra and back again.Little-seen thriller, based on the short story "Red Herrings" by Virginia Rouse (Tony Harrison 1994: 89); broadcast on Channel 9, 0230 5 December 2002: missed it

Send a Gorilla (Melanie Read, 1988) wr. Melanie Read; NZ

Serenades (Mojgan Khadem, 2001) child result of Afghan father winning night with Aboriginal woman; cultural clash; see Collins & Davies 2004: 88-89

Serious Undertakings (Helen Grace, 1983) short

Shame (Steve Jodrell, 1988) Barron Films; Deborra-Lee Furness; WA; location Toodyay; 94 min.

Silent One, The (Yvonne Mackay, 1984) NZ

Silver City (Sophia Turkiewicz, 1984) Gosia Dobrowolska, Ivar Kants, Steve Bisley; 100 min.

Sin Of A Woman, The (Alfred Rolfe, 1912)

Singer and the Dancer, The (Gillian Armstrong, 1977) Ruth Cracknell, Elisabeth Crosby; 52 min.

Sirens (John Duigan, 1994) Hugh Grant, Tara Fitzgerald, Sam Neill, Elle Macpherson, Portia de Rossi, Kate Fischer, Pamela Rabe, Ben Mendelsohn, John Polson, John Duigan (earnest minister); review by Adrian Martin in Scott Murray ed. 1995, Australian Film 1978-1994: A Survey of Theatrical Features, OUP, Melbourne: 393

Sissy (Debbie Gittins, 2001) documentary; three gay Aboriginal guys in Northbridge: ? Culbong, Anna Mae (transvestite), Ella Fitzgerald; 'We are glamorous, we are here and we are queer'; Sissy is an expression of gay black identity in Perth: CC and Ella are well known socialites and Anna Mae regularly struts her stuff on stage

Six Pack (Kay Pavlou, Di Drew, Sue Brooks, Rodney Fisher, Megan Simpson & Karin Altmann, 1991) mini-series

Skin of Your Eye (Arthur Cantrill & Corinne Cantrill, 1973) experimental

Smokes and Lollies (Gillian Armstrong, 1976) documentary

Snakes and Ladders (Mitzi Goldman & Trish FitzSimons, 1987) documentary

Soft Fruit (Christina Andreef, 1999) prod. Helen Bowden, exec. prod. Jane Campion; Genevieve Lemon, Jeanie Drynan, Sacha Horler, Linal Haft, Russell Dykstra; AFI Nomination 1999; bunch of Florence Nightingales come home to nurse their mum

Somersault (Cate Shortland, 2004) prod. Anthony Anderson, Jan Chapman, dp Robert Humphreys; Abbie Cornish, Sam Worthington, Lynette Curran; premiere MIFF Wed 21 July 2004; see also: More Than Scarlet; discovery of the difference between sex and love in an Aust winter ski resort town; standing ovation at Cannes 2004; Toronto FF September 2004; general release 9 Sept 2004; won all 13 awards at the AFIs 29 October 2004

Spagnola, La (Steve Jacobs, 2001) wr. prod. Anna-Maria Monticelli; Lola Marcelli, Alice Ansara, Lourdes Bartolome, Alex Dimitriades

Spider and Rose (Bill Bennett, 1994) Ruth Cracknell, Simon Bossell; review by Jim Schembri in Scott Murray ed. 1995, Australian Film 1978-1994: A Survey of Theatrical Features, OUP, Melbourne: 394; comedy based on age difference (cf. Daisy and Simon, Stasch Radwanski, 1989)

Star Struck (Gillian Armstrong, 1982) Jo Kennedy, Ross O'Donovan, Margo Lee, Pat Evison, Geoffrey Rush; musical

Steel City (Catherine Marciniak and Aviva Ziegler) prod. Stefan Moore, Denise Haslem and Gina Twyble, production company: a Film Australia National Interest Program Status, ABC; in production 2000; documentary about the human impact of the closure of the BHP steelworks in Newcastle

Strange Fits of Passion (Elise McCredie, 1999) prod. Lucy MacLaren, dp James Grant; Michela Noonan, Mitchel Butel; coming-of-age black comedy drama; "bittersweet fable about a young woman's series of hilarious sexual and social misadventures as she struggles to discover the meaning of love, sex and desire in a post-everything world"

Strange Planet (Emma-Kate Croghan, 1999) prod. Stavros Kazantzidis; Naomi Watts, Claudia Karvan, Felix Williamson, Tom Long; 96 min.; romantic comedy

Sugar Cane (Laurie McInnes, 2003 project) mother-daughter situation; not made

Surviving Georgia (Sandra Sciberras & Kate Whitbread, 2011) Pia Miranda, Holly Valance, Shane Jacobson, Toby Wallace

Sweetie (Jane Campion, 1989) wr. Jane Campion, Gerard Lee, dp Sally Bongers; Genevieve Lemon, Karen Colston, Tom Lycos, Jon Darling, Dorothy Barry, Michael Lake, Paul Livingston

Sylvania Waters (Brian Hill & Kate Woods 1992) TV documentary series

Takeover (David MacDougall & Judith MacDougall, 1980) documentary

Tale of Ruby Rose, The (Robert Scholes, 1988) Melita Jurisic, Chris Haywood, Rod Zuanic, Sheila Florance; Tasmania; fur trapper's wife's life of fantasy

Talk (Susan Lambert, 1994) wr. Jan Cornall; Victoria Longley, Angie Milliken, Richard Roxburgh, Jacqueline McKenzie, John Jarratt; conversation overheard by stranger has bizarre repercussions on the lives of two women

Teesh and Trude (Melanie Rodriga, 2002) Susie Porter, Linda Cropper, Peter Phelps; world premiere Brisbane Film Festival 13 July 2002, then Melbourne Film Festival later the same month; national season begins Perth Thursday 6 March 2003

Temptation of a Monk (Clara Law, 1993) NOT Australian, made before Law came to Australia from Hong Kong in 1996

Tender Hooks (Mary Callaghan, 1989) dp Ray Argall; Nique Needles, Jo Keenedy, Anna Philips, Robert Menzies, John Polson

Terra Nullius (Anne Pratten, 1993) short; stolen generations Aboriginal girl has been sexually abused by adoptive father

Thank God He Met Lizzie (Cherie Nowlan, 1997) aka The Wedding Party (US video); wr. Alexandra Long; Richard Roxburgh, Cate Blanchett, Frances O'Connor; romcom

Those who Love (P. J. Ramster, Paulette McDonagh, 1926) MCD Productions, prod. Paulette McDonagh, wr. Paulette McDonagh, prod. manager & art dir. Phyllis McDonagh; Marie Lorraine [Isobel McDonagh]

Through My Eyes (Di Drew, shooting 2004) dp Phil Cross; telemovie; Miranda Otto (Lindy Chamberlain), Craig McLachlan (Michael Chamberlain), Peter O'Brien; disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain; shot in and around Brisbane, Qld

To Market, To Market (Virginia Rouse, 1987)

Touch Wood (Gillian Armstrong, 1980) documentary

Traps (Pauline Chan, 1994) wr. Robert Carter, Pauline Chan, novel Kate Greville, Dreamhouse, dp Kevin Hayward, ed. Nicholas Beauman; Saskia Reeves, Robert Reynolds, Sami Frey, Jacqueline McKenzie, Kiet Lam; filmed on location in Vietnam; Chan's feature debut; English couple come to French Indo-China, 1950, to do photo-journalism story on rubber plantation, and become involved in political developments

Travelling Light (Kathryn Millard, 2003) Pia Miranda, Sacha Horler; a warmly told story of finding your place in the world - a tricky task in stuffy suburban Adelaide circa 1971

Trial Run (Melanie Read [Melanie Rodriga], 1984) NZ

Tulip (Rachel Griffiths) short; Charles "Bud" Tingwell; older man dealing with death of his wife; 15 min.; videotape

Turn Around (Samantha Saunders, 2003) short; Lisa Flanagan (Glenni) and Wayne Munro (Charlie); indigenous theme

Turtle Beach (Stephen Wallace, 1992) novel by Blanche d'Alpuget; Greta Scacchi, Joan Chen, Jack Thompson, Art Malik, Norman Kaye, Victoria Longley, Martin Jacobs, William McInnes, George Whaley; 88 min.

Two Friends (Jane Campion, 1985) prod. Jan Chapman for the ABC, wr. Helen Garner, dp Julian Pennry; Emma Coles, Kris Bidenko, Kris McQuade, Peter Hehir; colour, 16 mm, 80 min.

Two Laws (Alessandro Cavadini & Carolyn Strachan, 1981) documentary

Two Minutes Silence (Paulette McDonagh, 1933) McDonagh Productions, based on play by Leslie Haylen, dp James Grant, art director: Phyllis McDonagh, sound Jack Bruce; Marie Lorraine; last McDonagh sisters film; 75 min.

Undercover (Yvonne Mackay, 1991) NZ

Vacant Possession (Margot Nash, 1995) 95 min.; Pamela Rabe, John Stanton, Toni Scanlan, Linden Wilkinson, Rita Bruce, Olivia Patten as Millie, who provides the commentary on the actual relationship of white and black; John Stanton, the father, has PTSD or 'shell-shock', following WW2 air crash with loss of crew; 95 min.

Velo Nero (Monica Pellizzari, 1987) short

Vengeance (Wendy Chandler, c. 1998) wr. Wendy Chandler, prod. Judi McCrossin, animated short, 10 min.; sendup of nature tourism, and tabloid TV; winner best animated short film AFI 1998

Waiting (Jackie McKimmie, 1991) Noni Hazlehurst (AFI Best Actress), Deborra-Lee Furness, Frank Whitten, Helen Jones, Denis Moore, Fiona Press, Ray Barrett

Waiting at the Royal (Glenda Hambly, 2000) Catherine McClements, Noni Hazlehurst, Josephine Byrnes, Jo Kennedy, Glynis Angel, Ramon Tikaram

Waiting City, The (Claire McCarthy, 2009) Radha Mitchell, Joel Edgerton; adoption

Walk The Talk (Shirley Barrett, 2000) wr. Shirley Barrett; comedy; Nicki Bennett, Salvatore Coco, Sacha Horler; Nicki Bennett, a real-life singer, plays a singer who is managed by Salvatore Coco's character; Shirley Barrett's second feature started filming in Queensland on 1 November 1999; the story is based on events surrounding Gold Coast model Fairlie Arrow

War Stories (Gaylene Preston, 1995) NZ

Waterfall (Arthur Cantrill & Corinne Cantrill, 1984)

Watermark (Georgina Willis & Kerry Rock, 2003) traces the unravelling of a middle-aged man's relationships with two women and is inspired by the theme of fate in Greek tragedy; invited to screen in the Director's Fortnight at Cannes 2003

We Aim to Please (Margot Nash & Robin Laurie, 1977)

Well, The (Samantha Lang, 1997) wr. Elizabeth Jolley (novel), Laura Jones; Pamela Rabe (Hester Harper), Miranda Otto (Katherine), Paul Chubb (Harry Bird), Frank Wilson (II) (Francis Harper), Steve Jacobs (Rod Borden), Genevieve Lemon (Jen Borden), Simon Lyndon (Jock); drama, thriller; Hester is obsessed with Katherine

Wendy Cracked a Walnut (Michael Pattinson, 1990) aka Almost; Rosanna Arquette, Bruce Spence, Hugo Weaving, Kerry Walker; comedy fantasy

Whale Rider (Niki Caro, 2003) NZ

Willfull (Rebel Penfold-Russell, 2002) wr. Harry Cripps, dp Steve Arnold, Anna Lise Phillips; Charles Tingwell, Anne Looby, Ellesha Dobbs; national release 29 August 2002; 94 min.

Witch Hunt (Barbara Chobocky, 1986) documentary

Woman Suffers, The (Raymond Longford, 1918) ... While the Man Goes Free; Lottie Lyell, Boyd Irwin, Roland Conway, Connie Martyn

Woman's Tale, A (Paul Cox, 1991) Sheila Florance (AFI Best Actress), Gosia Dobrowolska, Norman Kaye, Chris Haywood

Women of the Sun (James Ricketson, David Stevens, Stephen Wallace & Geoffrey Nottage, 1982) mini-series

2019 Retrospective

David Stratton has curated a Sydney Film Festival retrospective (for June-July 2019) of films from Aussie female directors, including these films.

Cheaters, The (Paulette McDonagh, 1930) McDonagh Productions, wr. Paulette McDonagh, dp Jack Fletcher, art director Phyllis McDonagh; Marie Lorraine [Isobel McDonagh], Josef Bambach, Arthur Greenaway; made as a silent, with sound inserts added later, so considered one of the first sound films in that sense

Love Serenade (Shirley Barrett, 1996) wr. Shirley Barrett, dp Mandy Walker; Miranda Otto, Rebecca Frith, George Shevtsov, John Alansu (Albert Lee); two sisters compete for the attentions of DJ new to small town, Sunray; the younger works in the Chinese restaurant; 101 min.

Malcolm (Nadia Tass, 1986) prod. Nadia Tass, David Parker for Cascade Films, wr. David Parker, dp David Parker, music Paul Coppens, ed. Ken Sallows; Colin Friels (Malcolm), John Hargreaves (Frank) (AFI Best Supporting Actor), Lindy Davies (Judith), Chris Haywood (Willy), Charles Tingwell (Tramways Supervisor), Heather Mitchell, Beverley Phillips; Eastman colour, 35mm, 85 min.

beDevil (Tracey Moffatt, 1993) prod. Anthony Buckley; avant-garde trilogy of ghost stories, first major feature from an Aboriginal director, Tracey Moffatt; Mister Chuck, Choo, Choo, Choo; Lovin' the Spin I'm In; 90 min.

High Tide (Gillian Armstrong, 1987) prod. Sandra Levy, wr. Laura Jones; Lillie (Judy Davis) rediscovers abandoned child Ally (Claudia Karvan), who has been brought up by her paternal grandmother, Bet, Jan Adele; Frankie J. Holden is an Elvis impersonator, Colin Friels the love interest; family melodrama; 100 min.

Waiting (Jackie McKimmie, 1991) Noni Hazlehurst (AFI Best Actress), Deborra-Lee Furness, Frank Whitten, Helen Jones, Denis Moore, Fiona Press, Ray Barrett

Sweetie (Jane Campion, 1989) wr. Jane Campion, Gerard Lee, dp Sally Bongers; Genevieve Lemon, Karen Colston, Tom Lycos, Jon Darling, Dorothy Barry, Michael Lake, Paul Livingston

Babadook, The (Jennifer Kent, 2014) wr. Jennifer Kent, prod. Kristina Ceyton, Kristian Moliere, dp Radek Ladczuk, ed. Simon Njoo, prod. design Alex Holmes; Essie Davis, Noah Wiseman, Hayley McElhinney, Daniel Henshall, Barbara West, Ben Winspear; psychological thriller

Beautiful Kate (Rachel Ward, 2009) Rachel Griffiths, Bryan Brown, Ben Mendelsohn, Sophie Lowe, Maeve Dermody; family melodrama; released 6Aug09

Films with NZ women directors: in title alpha order

Angel at my Table, An (Jane Campion, 1990) NZ; based on autobiographies of Janet Frame: To the Island, Angel at my Table, Envoy from Mirror City; Kerry Fox; made as a three-part mini-series, but also screened as a feature; 158 min.

Beyond the Glass Ceiling, Ronin Films, VHS videocassette, 1994, 100 min., sd., col., 1/2 in; featuring three short films by Jane Campion: Peel (1982) A Girl's Own Story (1984) Passionless Moments (1984); as well as The Lead Dress (Virginia Murray) Excursion to the Bridge of Friendship (Christina Andreef, 1993) Crack in the Curtains (Jinks Dulhunty) Just Desserts (Monica Pellizzari, 1993)

Bread and Roses (Gaylene Preston, 1993) NZ; drama; Genevieve Picot

Channeling Baby (Christine Parker, 1998) NZ

Crush (Alison MacLean, 1992) NZ; dp Dion Beebe

Holy Smoke (Jane Campion, 1999) Kate Winslet, Harvey Keitel, Tim Robertson, 115 min.

I'll Make You Happy (Athina Tsoulis, 1998) NZ

In the Cut (Jane Campion, 2003) dp Dion Beebe; Meg Ryan; NOT Australasian

Loaded (Anna Campion, 1994) NZ; aka Bloody Weekend; wr. Anna Campion; Oliver Milburn, Dearbhia Molloy, Danny Cunningham, Catherine McCormack, Thandie Newton; teens making a horror film; 108 min.

Mauri (Merata Mita, 1988) NZ; Merata Mita is first Maori woman to direct a feature film

Mr Wrong (Gaylene Preston, 1985) NZ

Offering, The (Taggart Siegel, Francesca Fisher, 1996) aka Shadow of the Pepper; Mexico/NZ/USA

Perfect Strangers (Gaylene Preston, 2003) NZ; Sam Neill, Rachael Blake; prod. Huntaway Films (Sam Neill, John Clarke, Jay Cassells)

Piano, The (Jane Campion, 1983) prod. Jan Chapman; Holly Hunter, Anna Paquin, Sam Neill, Harvey Keitel, Kerry Walker, Genevieve Lemon, Tungia Baker

Portrait of a Lady, The (Jane Campion, 1997) wr. Laura Jones, dp Stuart Dryburgh; Nicole Kidman, John Malkovich, Barbara Hershey, Mary-Louise Parker, Martin Donovan, Shelly Winters, Richard E. Grant, Shelly Duvall, Christian Bale, Viggo Mortensen, Valentina Cervi, John Gielgud

Rain (Christine Jeffs, 2003) (NZ); Sarah Peirse (Kate), Marton Csokas (Cady), Alicia Fulford-Wierzbicki (Janey), Alistair Browning (Ed), Aaron Murphy (Jim); Metro, 136: 78-80; 82-85; 'Endurance' is 'holding on ... it's holding on, and now it's my turn.''So then we just went on.'

Ruby and Rata (Gaylene Preston, 1990) NZ

Send a Gorilla (Melanie Read, 1988) wr. Melanie Read; NZ

Silent One, The (Yvonne Mackay, 1984) NZ

Sweetie (Jane Campion, 1989) wr. Jane Campion, Gerard Lee, dp Sally Bongers; Genevieve Lemon, Karen Colston, Tom Lycos, Jon Darling, Dorothy Barry, Michael Lake, Paul Livingston

Sylvia (Christine Jeffs, 2003) NOT Australasian

Teesh and Trude (Melanie Rodriga, 2002) Susie Porter, Linda Cropper, Peter Phelps; world premiere Brisbane Film Festival 13 July 2002, then Melbourne Film Festival later the same month; national season begins Perth Thursday 6 March 2003

Trial Run (Melanie Read [Melanie Rodriga], 1984) NZ

Undercover (Yvonne Mackay, 1991) NZ

War Stories (Gaylene Preston, 1995) NZ

Whale Rider (Niki Caro, 2003) NZ

Short but inclusive bibliography

Alysen, Barbara, 1985 [1984], 'Australian women in film', in Albert Moran & Tom O'Regan eds, An Australian Film Reader, Currency, Sydney: 302-313.

Basinger, Jeanine 1993, A Woman's View: How Hollywood Spoke to Women 1930-1960, Chatto & Windus, London.

Blonski, Annette, Barbara Creed & Freda Freiberg eds 1987, Don't Shoot Darling!: Women's Independent Film-making in Australia, Greenhouse Publications, Richmond, Melbourne.

Boland, Michaela & Michael Bodey 2004, Aussiewood: Australia's Leading Actors and Directors Tell How They Conquered Hollywood, Allen & Unwin, Sydney.

Chapman, Jan 2003, 'Some significant women in Australian films: a celebration and a cautionary tale', Metro, 136: 98-107.See her bibliography (107).

Clover, Carol G. 1992, Men, Women & Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film, BFI Publishing London.

Collins, Diane 1987, Hollywood Down Under: Australians at the Movies 1896 to the Present Day, Angus & Robertson, Sydney. (Check the index.)

Collins, Felicity 1999, The Films of Gillian Armstrong, Australian Teachers of Media, St Kilda.

Collins, Felicity & Therese Davies 2004, Australian Cinema After Mabo, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Cox, Eva & Sharon Laura 1992, What Do I Wear for a Hurricane? Women in the Film, Television and Radio Industry, Australian Film Commission, North Sydney.

French, Lisa 2003, Womenvision: Women and the Moving Image in Australia, Damned Publishing, Melbourne.

Gillett, Sue 2004, Views from beyond the Mirror: The Films of Jane Campion, The Moving Image, 7, ATOM, Melbourne.

Haskell, Molly 1987, From Reverence To Rape, 2nd edition, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Hollinger, Karen 2002, 'From female friends to literary ladies: the contemporary woman's film', in Steve Neale ed., Genre and Contemporary Hollywood, BFI, London: 77-90.

Kuhn, Annette 1988, Cinema: Censorship and Sexuality 1909-1925, Routledge, London.

Kuhn, Annette ed. 1990, Alien Zone, Verso, London.

Kuhn, Annette with Susannah Radstone ed. 1990, The Women's Companion to International Film, Virago Press, London.

Lawson, Sylvia 1983, 'Serious Undertakings', Framework, 24, repr. in Albert Moran & Tom O'Regan eds, An Australian Film Reader, Currency, Sydney, 1985: 327-332.

Mellencamp, Patricia 1995, A Fine Romance: Five Ages of Film Feminism, Temple University Press, Philadelphia.

Mills, Jane 1978, Make It Happy; revised and republished as Make It Happy, Make It Safe, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1988.

Mills, Jane, Womanwords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Patriarchal Society, Longman, London, 1989.

Mills, Jane, 'Classroom Conundrums: Sex education and censorship' in Segal Lynne and McIntosh, Mary (eds), Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate, Virago Press, London, 1992.

Mills, Jane, Sexwords, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1993a.

Mills, Jane (ed.) A Bloomsbury Guide to Erotic Literature, Bloomsbury , London, 1993b.

Mills, Jane, 'Responding to Film', Curriculum Support for Teaching in English 7-12, Curriculum Support Directorate, Vol. 4, No. 3, NSW Department of Education and Training, 1999.

Mills, Jane 2001, The Money Shot: Cinema, Sin and Censorship, Pluto, Sydney.Especially Part 4: Woman, Word, Image: 143-202.

Modleski, Tania, Old Wives Tales: Feminist Re-Visions of Film and Other Fictions, I.B. Tauris, London, 1999.

Mulvey, Laura, Visual and Other Pleasures, The Macmillan Press, London, 1989.

Mulvey, Laura, Fetishism and Curiosity, BFI Publishing, London, 1996.

Nash, Margot 2015, 'Lottie Lyell: the silent work of an early Australian scenario writer', Screening the Past.

O'Regan, Tom 1996, Australian National Cinema,Routledge, London and New York: 172.
'The woman-centred narrative is one feature genre that has maintained ongoing though minor presence on production schedules, particularly from 1970. Its success sometimes sees it touted by public and critics alike as representative of Australian cinema. The woman-centred film has been a regular feature on production slates, whether it be the Raymond Longford, Lottie Lyell and Arthur Higgins collaboration The Woman Suffers ... While the Man Goes Free (1918) or 1970s titles like Caddie, My Brilliant Career, The Getting of Wisdom, 1980s titles like Fran, High Tide (Armstrong 1987), and in the 1990s The Last Days of Chez Nous and The Piano. This film-making has survived owing to the predilection for social problem film-making on Australian cinema schedules in the 1910s, the 1920s and since 1970, and the unusually significant though still minor presence of women directors and producers in Australian film. Public campaigns of the domestic feminist movement have been strong, and a prioritizing of relationships as a central point of focus in Australian cinema has been necessary because it has had to rely less on action and more on relationships.'

Penley, Constance ed. 1988, Feminisms and Film Theory, Routledge, London.

Perkins, Tessa, 'Who (and what) is it for?' in Gledhill, Christine & Linda Williams (eds), Reinventing Film Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000

Pivac, Diane 2015, 'New Zealand film pioneer: Hilda Maud Hayward (1898 – 1970)', Screening the Past.

Rich, B. Ruby 1998, Chick Flicks: Theories and Memories of the Feminist Film Movement, Duke University Press, Durham NC.

Robson, Jocelyn & Beverley Zalcock 1997, Girls' Own Stories: Australian and New Zealand Women's Films, Scarlet Press, London.

Sands, Kate 1988, 'Women of the wave', in Scott Murray ed., Back of Beyond: Discovering Australian Film and Television, Sydney: AFC: 2-19.

Simpson, Catherine 1999, 'Suburban subversions: women's negotiation of suburban space in Australian cinema', Metro, 118: 24-32.

Simpson, Catherine 1999, 'Notes on the significance of home and the past in Radiance', Metro, 120: 28-31.

Simpson, Catherine 2000, Imagined Geographies: Women's Negotiation of Space in Contemporary Australian Cinema, 1988-98, PhD dissertation, Murdoch University.

Stern, Lesley 1979, 'Indpendent feminist film-making in Australia', Australian Journal of Screen Theory, repr. in Albert Moran & Tom O'Regan eds, An Australian Film Reader, Currency, Sydney, 1985: 314-326.

Waldman, Diane & Janet Walker eds 1999, Feminism and Documentary, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.

Wisdom-Hill J. C. 1995, The Impact of New Media Technology on Women in Film, TV Video and Related Media Industries, Women in Film & Television, Adelaide.

Wright, Andree 1986, Brilliant Careers, Pan, Sydney.

Garry Gillard | New: 21 March, 2002 | Now: 27 July, 2023